Lija Wierieszczinskaja: Helping People Unlock the Power of Expression to Successful in Life and Business

Lija Wierieszczinskaja

I have been working with people for longer than two decades. My leadership journey started in 2002 in East Timor where I was an on-site coordinator between a business and low-educated local people seeking prosperity for their families. It was a transformational experience built on contrasts and cultural diversities of different worlds and formed my comprehension of humanity and compassion.

Reflecting on my personal growth and my career development, I realized that that job of young me was the best possible career start to create my right foundation in relationships with people.

My leading roles in the Western business made me cross my path with high-profile people, and collaborate with creative gifted teams on various projects. In the meantime, I witnessed the inability of high achievers in jobs to adapt to the changes in their private lives.

The more I got to know people’s role in the success of a business the more I questioned WHY people can make such a difference in a job and can’t navigate their choices in their personal lives.

As I cared about giving space for growth to the people whom I worked with, I always emphasized the importance of self-awareness as a core stone of self-alignment.

I observed that people feel safe and comfortable, and show the best of themselves as experts when being in a work environment with well-defined goals and guidelines. Once they lose a job, they lose the grounds underneath, they can’t see their self-worth.

Once I realized that having a vision of oneself on the individual level is not different from having a vision in business, I wanted to shout out loud about the importance of a leadership role in one’s life that improves decisiveness and willingness to take responsibility for the outcomes.

So many people will find themselves related to being in a job that may not bring fulfillment or financial satisfaction any longer and not having the courage to change it. As a CEO I find it as harmful for a person as for a business. People lose their spark, and they become less happy which affects their well-being.

Coaching makes me feel deeply rewarded for making people see their success stories and uniqueness, creating their healthy alignment with every life situation.

I have to start with a common saying which I love; “you don’t know what you don’t know.” So we don’t call in the things which we are not aware of. I am very much willing to listen and share. It is a two-way process creating healthy grounds for experience exchange.

As a leader, my role is to create an environment where people feel safe to share and operate from their zone of genius within their capacity, where they thrive.

I hold the vision all the time, and setting healthy boundaries is 100% helpful to stay respectful to each other and contribute to the success of the business.

I was craving to create something that would let me put together my business expertise, my genius, my knowledge of human resources, and the holistic tools that I learned over years of my personal journey toward finding a secret of living joyfully with ease.

In June 2023 I founded my new business “Connect&Consult LW” which specializes in providing coaching and business consulting services.

I wanted to share my secret and introduce self-expression as our superpower available to everyone. Self-expression is the key to finding a balance that brings coherence across all life areas and creates harmony in one’s being.

Once we become aware of the components of our self-expression, we can reframe our relationships with everything that we do whether it is a job or sabotaging certain things, developing resistance to a change.

Being fueled by our self-expression we access infinite sources of inspiration that let us sustain and find creative solutions at times of hardship.

I have a special organic approach to personal growth and business development.

I believe that action coming from inspiration and raising from alignment is more impactful and creates a profound sense of commitment to accomplish.

My 8-week signature program “Self-Expression is Healing” gives people a clear vision of their goals and a sense of direction to start navigating toward them organically, being powered by their inner resources.

My intention-based private coaching sessions let my clients see a solution to their life situations that are always available for them.  The foundation that I create for my clients helps them deal with their career opportunities, and life choices, and create financial stability.

The more I know about human infinite potential, the more ways I see for the business to grow organically by creating a brand essence that incorporates a soulful culture. I coach businesses in regards to creating an environment where people thrive and offer the best in themselves. Particularly I cover the topic of Customer Service Success as it touches on various aspects as Product identity, Organisational Culture, Customer Service team, Communication structure, and Trustworthy Relationships with the clients.

I help entrepreneurs to create impactful businesses that will bring fulfillment and add value to their lives. No matter which stage is of the business, I can help with turning an idea into a product, preparing a plan for an investor, wrapping the beautiful soul of the brand into a business structure framework, and creating the brand essence.

I provide consulting services offering unique solutions for particular business cases. My extensive experience in the luxury operational market let me advise potential yacht and jet owners on operational head-ups, choice of operators, and running costs budgets.

Moreover, I am offering a unique coaching program for those who are looking for a career opportunity in a niche as a PA/intermediary person of a boat/jet Owner. It is something truly unique that takes a lot of diplomacy and knowledge to benefit the success of the operations.

I am happy to collaborate with businesses that have the same values, promoting thriving work environments and organic/holistic approaches to growth and leadership.

I am interested in cooperation with developing educational programs around self-empowerment and brand creation.

“Adding value” solutions, relationships, and anything else that can result in a fruitful partnership is on my radar.

As a visioner, I always had a clear concept of doing things. At the very beginning of my senior role career in 2007, I was challenged by delegating tasks.

I was perfectly aware of the importance of the contribution of everyone to team performance, but I was not completely OK with letting go of control over the processes.

My conscious leadership helped me acknowledge the necessity of giving autonomy in decision-making to managers as a part of their personal and professional growth in the workspace.

My mind was struggling to find something that would ensure the correct guidelines for the process as I knew that I had to give credit to a manager for a good decision and I had to take overall responsibility for every bad decision and its outcomes.

I had a powerful insight at that time that keeping alignment with the purpose of the business by communicating a vision throughout every layer of the business structure makes people clear of the directions. As things evolve, and the environment changes, regular communication exchange within the organization is crucial.

I have to say that as much as I respect technology, as much as I get careful to deal with it.

I trust technologies in the right hands of professionals who connect my vision with the beneficial outcomes of implementation.

AI is quickly growing as businesses find it liberating the time and resources. I personally accept it to a certain extent. I don’t see AI expanding in the customer service area within my business, as I give a deep meaning to every connection with my clients.

Customer service is a lot about emotional experience that makes clients resonate with a product. I would not assign it fully to a creative part, as to me, creativity is a flow state of a human.

In the meantime, I see AI adding value speeding up and optimizing many business processes.

Change is something unavoidable in our lives and business. Life is dynamic. It is all about finding balance in every single moment at a time. Don’t get too comfortable with the feeling of getting settled.

Your vision becomes your compass that navigates you through a change and helps you feel a sense of direction in the choices.

The sooner we embrace the discomfort of a change, the better we are. Saving time on adapting to a change is a game changer as you can pick up the energy of its downdraft and see the fresh opportunities that bring you ahead.

Very fortunately I learned about diversity going alongside my career and personal growth. My first work experience took place in East Timor. It was a very complex task for a beginner. I represented the Asian Corporate Headquarter onsite supplying the local workforce for the project led by the Western business.

I reported to my employer in Singapore, served the needs of the local people in East Timor, and coordinated activities with the Australian contractor.

It was a pretty big deal for an Eastern European 25 yo girl. I grew with my work projects and learned about polarities, diversities, and enormous respect for cultures. I learned that culture defines the business approach.

How did I get along with it? I always knew my great ability to see the big picture and my sharp mind helps me to see the pattern.  Now I realize that I was guided a lot by my intuition which helped me to adapt.

At that time, I was driven by the goals. The only thing I understood was that making a project happen made different minds, cultures, and worlds get together and create coherence across cooperation.

My promotion was to a new job post in Afghanistan reporting directly to the Headquarter in the USA. At that time two more opposite cultures and two more business approaches crossed my path of personal growth.

At the time I created my first business from scratch in Kazakhstan, I intuitively started putting in place an organizational culture as the soul of the business that makes people wish to join and feel like a part of something that adds value to their lives. That sense of belonging made the team bring out the best of them.

By the time I reached Europe in 2007, I was absolutely an impact-driven leader knowing how to motivate multicultural teams and how to create impactful partnerships with respect to the diversities.

Moreover, consciously I brought spirituality into my business, I started applying energy mastering which helps to create a workspace that resonates with my desires and my creativity flow.

In fact, attuning to the energy of the team and business relationships that feel right in a sense of cooperation we start putting faith in success rather than focusing on alteration of the diversities. A major shift happens from struggling with something that may potentially not work to performance based on a spirit of teamship letting people feel their value.

I acknowledge the power of my feminine energy that allows me to find my balance and use my values as a cornerstone for setting things around.

It is important to be alongside the client’s needs.

We are living in a fast-paced world that needs people to change constantly to catch up with the growing expansion of AI and technologies, and more dynamic processes.

The coaching industry is fast growing to cater to the newest specific demands of people.

My strategy is to stay impact-centered. For instance, well-being is crucial for everyone to thrive.

Thus, my concept is not to help people speed up, but instead, to teach them to slow down, shift focus to their needs, and consider carefully what is worth going for where to send their energy.

In this crazy world of chaos and overconsumption, a coach brings some guidelines to people to stay self-centered and navigate towards something that adds value to life.

My coaching business is young but my vision is big and the mission of my brand is:

“Create the world a better place by bringing out the best in everyone and help to reveal their uniqueness and brilliance that makes people feel their value, inevitably, they will start adding value to others, to the business they work for, and to the product that they create”.

Raise awareness that a need for self-expression is a guideline to love what we do. As soon as we release the aspects of our self-expression, we will start understanding our uniqueness and our power to create harmony and balance in their life

Create more educational materials to raise awareness about the direct connection between fulfilling life and well-being. Well-being is a starting point for any direction of our life journey.

I believe in the infinite potential of humans to succeed in this time of incredible opportunities. Being a mother of two young adults and a leader I concluded that the more we raise people with the awareness of the impact they can create, the more the world will benefit from the actions of conscious people.

How many conscious millionaires who think of profits as fuel to create their impact, we can raise by teaching the foundation principles about self-identity at an earlier age?

It is a pity that entrepreneurs often tend to skip a deep foundation, the pillar of sustainability, and jump straight up to the top of the high scrapper, the actions and struggle to balance against the winds of market trends and competition.

It is way more organic to find balance when staying aligned with the impact that the business creates and fulfilling the mission. An impact-driven brand identifies itself in the market by direct connection to the values of the clients that it serves.

A brand starts with its soul and its essence which connects clients with the product. The attributes like the logo and color scheme and advanced apps, the visual part of the brand structure is an interface to catch the eye of a potential client.

I encourage young entrepreneurs to stand out by being themselves holding their vision of the business as a lighthouse guiding their actions. It is a way to feel at ease by creating instead of struggle and resistance to sustain the competition.

Never lose the spark, always find your way through inspiration!

There is my lifetime saying that I have as my guideline and I teach my children: “Do your best and God will do the rest!”

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