Those who truly understand and practice martial arts will tell you that it is not just an exercise routine or self-defense technique. Rooted deep into those moves is the philosophy of life itself. It lets you learn, live, absorb, and implement the teachings of The Tao Te Ching, a classic of Chinese philosophy that teaches a way of life based on the ‘tao’, or the natural order of things. It emphasizes compassion, simplicity, and patience as virtues for living in harmony with oneself and others. For Dr. Lin Morel, it gave her the strength to pursue her goals, the courage to walk away from toxicity and abuse, the resilience to bounce back after every setback, and the compassion to live a life dedicated to others.
A Story of Persistence
Dr. Lin spent her childhood suffering from neglect, emotional abuse, familial alcoholism, and mentally ill caregivers. She managed her challenges by developing hypersensitivity as a coping mechanism. Life changed when she began practicing martial arts at 15. Within a short period of time, she started teaching. Dr. Lin developed confidence, moved out at 17 for safety, worked part-time jobs through college, and sought refuge in work and education.
In the early 70s, she took up two part-time jobs while in college – one at a statistics lab computer and the second as a nurse’s aide. The aide’s job taught her that kindness and compassion toward the sick and elderly were much needed. That experience ignited a desire to make a difference, but the most she could do was comfort those who had no visitors, were in pain, or waiting for death.
In 1972 Dr. Lin was inducted into the University’s Honor Society. She designed her course curriculum for the last two years at the University. She indulged her curiosity about the human psyche to understand the nature of her mother’s mental illness.
After graduation, Dr. Lin began working in the petrochemical industry, first as secretary to the department head, then as a buyer of pipes, valves, fittings, etc. She learned about negotiating, purchasing, and building relationships with vendors and engineers. She also had her first opportunity to work with people from other cultures.
Fast forward to a several-year stint at The New Jersey Sports Authority as a specification writer-buyer. She had a lot of freedom in that job. One of her tasks was to introduce computers to the purchasing department. That was roughly circa 1987.
The fact that she was a nationally ranked karate champion didn’t hurt her career. Dr. Lin trained in the jockey’s gym and taught private karate lessons to an NFL player during the off-season. Just before the AAU Nationals, a knee injury took her out of the picture. Rather than give up, she ignored the surgeon’s advice that she would never be able to compete again. He was wrong! She switched arts and studied tai chi to rehabilitate her knee. That experience opened new doors and the possibilities that come from knowing and listening to the body.
“My journey continued when I was one of 40 people invited to participate in the first martial arts tour of Mainland China. That introduction to a new culture opened my eyes! I was the first martial artist asked to demonstrate my technique at the famous Shaolin monastery. I then studied tai chi in Taiwan with Master J.J. Soong,” reminisces Dr. Lin.
In her current role, Dr. Lin serves as an active consultant and advisor to entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and influencers in their respective niches. Her training positions her to assist leaders in moving past their limitations and into creative solutions that create their desired outcomes. Doing the inner work is the best preparation for success in their endeavors and the ability to overcome their challenges, feels Dr. Lin.
A Transformational Leader
Dr. Lin has a master’s degree in spiritual psychology and applied theology and a doctorate in the emerging field of Spiritual Science. She uses her martial arts training and the ability to read, evaluate, and assist those who get in their way! “A major key to success is creating safety and deep listening. My specialty is far beyond stress management in that my clients and I uncover hidden traumas and beliefs that limit their personal and professional excellence,” she says.
Her company, Lin Morel & Associates, began as an executive management consulting company in 1984. She incorporated Beyond Words Group in 2003. Her clients are executives and business professionals in the entertainment, aerospace, education, health care, petrochemical, and transportation industries. Her services also include one-on-one consulting, trauma support within organizations in times of crisis, professional speaking, and retainer services, to name a few.
During the last three decades, Dr. Lin has honed the ability to assist her clients in rapidly releasing old habits, patterns, judgments, and self-sabotage. She has developed a process using algorithms that are unique for each individual. This method creates space to shift their outlook on life, business, and relationships. She continuously hones her skills, as no two people present in the same way. Curiosity, and a lifelong desire to create peace, both inwardly and outwardly, is the foundation for this body of work. “My end game is to help those that work with me develop their own heightened awareness and the ability to access and trust their deep wisdom in win-win-win better than they can imagine outcomes both personally and professionally,” she says.
Dr. Lin’s approach is rooted in Eastern and Western cultures and traditions. Her lifelong practice of martial arts gave me an appreciation for the wisdom of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching.
“When we know ourselves, we will know others. To succeed in business and life, we must become lifetime learners who use everything for learning, growth, and upliftment. At its core, success must be a win for the seller, a win for the buyer, and a win for the environment,” believes Dr. Lin.
An outgrowth of what she witnessed as a nurse’s aide, trauma, domestic violence, and mental illness led her to become a board member and 10-year board chair of A Window Between Worlds ( During her time in LA, Dr. Lin was active at the USC Veteran’s Collaborative and still connected with them. Her current role is that of a board member for the Coatesville Juvenile Alliance.
The Biggest Challenge
Dr. Lin’s retreat center burning to the ground three weeks after her mother perished in a house fire was a huge challenge. She’d just remodeled the entire retreat. The local Chinese restaurant became her interim office. She worked with clients over lunch, and the setting was better than she imagined. Her husband and she traveled cross-country while they regrouped. She used that time to write her first book, ‘Heaven’s Helpful Hints’. Shortly after the purchase of another home, her husband perished in an ultra-light crash.
“I took time to grieve and re-evaluate my business and life. That time of introspection brought forth greater resiliency and strengthened my desire to assist others during their times of challenge,” she recalls.
Leveraging Technology
Technology has allowed Dr. Lin to work internationally through several avenues of digital communication. The downside of technology is becoming addicted to emails, messaging, and phone calls. To balance this, she writes goals and has assistants that keep her on the straight and narrow and grow her social media platform. To date, she has about 90K followers on FB.
“I use a different sort of technology, and it’s old-fashioned at best: phone, email, cards, and genuinely caring about my clients provides an opportunity to stay connected. I have concerns about AI, plagiarism, and a possible lack of accuracy. I love to learn and grow as technology learns and grows. The internet is my go-to when I have questions. It is much easier to cross-reference data and build a brand following. Technology also makes it easier to write and publish books. I founded a publishing company in 1990, and with Amazon’s print-on-demand, I don’t need to store books! I look forward to gaining greater mastery in the technology arena,” she says.
What worries Dr. Lin is that in time, people may dial up their favorite “therapy AI” Application instead of working with a human being. What she brings to this industry is a tried-and-true approach that works with human touch. Potential solutions offer her the opportunity to get to the core of what clients want in the business, how to achieve their goals, and the ability to learn, grow and pivot from a place of neutrality. “The more I stay awake, alert, and accurate in my own life, the more I can assist those facing difficult times. Integrity and a commitment to providing creative solutions to and for my clients is key to having a full schedule. I’m learning to take time for myself, so I don’t burn the candle at both ends,” says Dr. Lin.
Exploring more Avenues
Dr. Lin feels fortunate to have two fantastic virtual assistants, multiple collaborators, and a great community of those whose lives she has touched. The many deep relationships with clients throughout the last 38 years are priceless for her. “Current and past clients are encouraging me to expand my network. A colleague and I are exploring funding for a post-traumatic stress study with veterans. I see my team rising to the occasion, assisting me as my company expands,” she says.
Words of Experience
To the young entrepreneurs, Dr. Lin says:
Don’t take your dream lightly. Please, ignore the someday, maybe lie. It takes courage to admit the truth of what impact you want to make in our world. I wanted to help people overcome the challenges that limited them. My advice is to dream big and take small steps that build momentum. Two hours after that fateful lunch and the statement of what contribution I wanted to make became a reality. I had my first account. There was no letterhead, no business plan, just a willingness to say yes. All that on a plane from LA to Newark, NJ!
Mistakes are natural. Use them to grow your business. Challenges are a normal part of our expansion. Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know. Stay humble, for it is often the quiet ones in your business, friends, and even spouses that have the answers to your questions. Please pay attention. They may also have the key to your success. Naysayers are there to challenge and strengthen you. Use everything to your advantage.
I leave you with a thought,
“What if you were a genius and forgot?
Would you get up if you had a setback? Are you willing to enter the unknown and find those that show you the way? ”
Quote: “When you’re inspired, you’re tuned in to a whole new level of Light.” – Dr. Lin Morel