Janet Hamilton: A Passionate and Resilient Leader helping People Love and Embrace their True Self

Janet Hamilton

They say it’s never too late to find one’s true self. One only has to turn inside and listen to the voice submerged deep due to societal norms, one’s aspirations, one’s obligations, duties, and responsibilities.

For Janet Hamilton, the journey to self-discovery started at the age of 40 and she has been rediscovering herself since then. So, what took her so long?

The First Profession

In 1994, Janet, along with her husband started a small business called Durham Controls Ltd. and a few years later they opened a second company called Durham Combustion Limited. They started these companies based on his husband’s skill of trade and expertise in his field of Instrumentation Technologist working on Industrial Boilers. Janet instantly became the Office Manager and Bookkeeper for the businesses and as back to night school to learn bookkeeping. The main reason they started the companies was so that he could be on the road less and at home with the family more. 

In Durham Controls Ltd. and Durham Combustion Limited (DCL), Janet’s current role is that of Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Health and Safety Representative, Payroll Administrator, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Purchasing, Shipper, Receiver and Customer Service. Durham Combustion Limited does instrumentation on boilers, boiler start-ups, Combustion Tests, Calibrations, Overhauls, etc. The company offers a four-hour response time which is unprecedented in this field of service. Janet’s attention to detail, organizational skills, and dedication contribute significantly to the success of Durham Controls Ltd. / Durham Combustion Limited. She plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the company by overseeing day-to-day office activities, coordinating schedules, managing communication, and maintaining efficient workflows.

“My husband is unique in the fact that he knows old systems and new systems with over 30 years of experience in this field and is a successful entrepreneur. We are mentoring our son to take over Durham Controls Ltd. And Durham Combustion Limited. Eventually, we will retire from our roles here as he becomes more proficient and productive in his field,” says Janet.

The Second Innings

Approximately, 30 years later after completing burning out from caretaking loved ones, Janet started The Anomaly Factor Podcast and coaching website. This is a little passion project to help others heal from whatever ails them, life’s tidbits from her perspective, and showcasing other unique anomalies that have shifted their mind’s perspective and soul and what their passion and purpose in life is as a result. Janet is motivated to help others know that healing from whatever ails them is totally possible and that total calm, inner peace, and freedom are on the other side. 

In The Anomaly Factor Podcast, Janet interviews people who have found their own unique anomaly within and how they are making an impact in their lives and world. On The Anomaly Factor coaching website, she helps people who want to help themselves figure out who they are, what keeps them stuck, stop self-sabotage, heal, grow, connect, and flourish in life, the way they were meant to be! 

“After deepening my relationship with myself first, aligning with my soul’s purpose, and enriching my relationship with my husband,  our businesses have pretty much doubled in revenue as a result of better communication, instilling boundaries, and continuing to learn and elevate ourselves to be the best version of ourselves,” shares Janet.

Conquering the Self

The most challenging thing that Janet has ever done was conquer and get to know herself. She always knew she was meant for more, that she wanted more. She started her personal development journey at the age of 39 years old and wanted to figure out things prior to the proverbial age of 40!

“Here, I am almost 20 years later uncovering more layers of my extremely complex and large Guinness Book of World Records, Spanish Onion. I have learned that I have lived my entire life with Chronic Post Traumatic Disorder and in a dis-regulated system which I have recently learned to regulate and now have a calm, peaceful inner being that has given me immense freedom,” she exclaims.

Janet’s intuition has saved her life many times. It is her inner guidance system, her internal GPS which is what she has listened to her whole life. She grew up feeling like a feral child and had no clue why until she learned that she grew up with Childhood Emotional Neglect. So, all of her life experiences have given her a strong resiliency which continues to propel her forward.

“I had no clue about most of why I am the way I am until recently, this is what awareness is, I did not know, what I did not know until I knew it! I have never felt like a victim, ever, I hadn’t known that what I considered to be a normal childhood was far from it. Don’t get me wrong, I know my parents loved me as much as they were capable but because they grew up the same way, both without fathers from the age of three, they could not give me what they didn’t have. This is how I became Parentified; this is not normal and again, I had no clue till recently,” opens up Janet.

She also learned that she grew up with no boundaries, internal or external, this happened for many reasons. Janet was raised by a narcissistic father and a depressed mother and also had three traumatic events that happened separately and all around the age of six months old. Plus, as a result of her mother being depressed and her father working all the time, she didn’t get a lot of nursing, holding, mirroring, or nurturing and was left on her own a lot, basically her feelings and emotions went unattended to.

“The things that are not done to us are actually more impactful than what is done to us and what is done to us, does not make us who we are,” sums up Janet.

The Driven Soul

The Anomaly Factor is what Janet is meant to do, so says her soul. She has always been of service and when she can help others align with their soul’s purpose and unique anomaly within, her heart sings with delight and it brings her so much joy to witness this process and their journey. 

“Each company we own is unique in its own right but mostly due to the fact that my husband and I are our own unique individuals, we like to do things much differently than the average,” she remarks.

The Anomaly Factor is how Janet felt about herself most of her life. She has always felt alone, different, and like she didn’t belong, and after spending twenty years on personal development she now knows that we are all unique beings and have our own gifts to offer and this is where she can help.

“Individuals who want more, who want to get unstuck, have better relationships, and find their passion and purpose in life can reach out to me. I offer Compassionate Inquiry, Transparent Communication and Relational Life Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and EMDR to help me help others in their healing journey,” shares Janet.

The aims and ideals that drive Janet both personally and professionally are simple, everything for her starts with love and intentions. Resiliency and a love for life people and peace are what keep her motivated.  

Her working style stems from her ability to stay present, attuned, and authentic in the moment. “I absolutely love everyone; we are all equally deserving. It is in giving that I truly receive. I am loving, open, and transparent, and want others to feel and live their best life! After all, we only have this one body and one life to live, so, why not make the best of it? It’s all out there for the taking, just decide what you love and go after it, it’s all totally possible!” says Janet.

She approaches difficult tasks with curiosity and reaches out to others who she knows have more experience and expertise than she does. Janet likes connecting and collaborating with like-minded individuals for support, advice, etc. 

To minimize the stress in her life, Janet installed boundaries. She exercises, swims, meditates, reads, journals, writes, goes in the hot tub, and garden, and communicates authentically and transparently so that her relationships are more honest, attuned, authentic, and respectful. 

Looking Ahead

Durham Combustion Limited (DCL) will continue to be in business after Janet retires. She is mentoring her son for the new role and wants to support him and set him up for success not only working in the field but also learning how to run the office, do quotes, etc. This will enable him to continue to employ the individuals who have grown and supported the founding duo in their growth as an employer and company. They also want to continue to support DCL’s loyal customers some of which have been with them since the beginning. 

“Once again, we will reach out to those people that have skill sets that will enhance this transition to make sure this is the smoothest possible for all involved,” says Janet.

As for The Anomaly Factor, it is so new that anything is possible. Janet plans on interviewing and coaching till she is no longer able to. This is what she loves to do and the best part is, she can do it from anywhere. Janet also plans on starting a magazine as well at some time in the not-so-distant future.

“This is fun for me, creating and being the ripple and paying it forward for future generations, this is and will be my legacy. I also intend to write a book, called The Anomaly Factor! It will be about my life’s journey, what I have learned and experienced along the way from my perspective, from living where I was operating from in my subconscious mind, totally unaware, to making conscious choices with intention and living a passionate and purposeful life full of fun and freedom,” concludes Janet.

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