Hayden Merryn

After working in marketing for over a decade on the national and global scale in some of the most competitive industries including: automotive, sports, and cosmetics HVH Media & Marketing was born.

She has worked with and developed campaigns with some of the world’s largest influencers, played an instrumental role in evolving several start-up companies into seven figure businesses within the first six months, developed a cosmetics brand for Amazon beauty, and collectively garnered over a billion campaign content views.

Her passion is her business, her role as a mother, and empowering other women to invest in themselves and their dreams!

  • Tell us something about the outset story of your organisation.

Any time that someone takes a risk and launches their own business there is always some foundational reason behind all of it.

Well, for me I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit.  I was a leader, innovator, and a competitor.  At a young age I always found ways to utilize the power of social media, marketing, and PR to propel myself forward in the business world.

After some extreme devastation in my personal and professional life, I was forced to rebuild myself.  It is in our lowest moments that we realize the gravity and blessing that starting over can mean for a motivated person. Starting over wasn’t the death of who I used to be, but the reformation of myself into something much greater.

My business came as a result of this.  I re-launched HVH Media & Marketing and then shortly after I launched Twenty-One North after with Co-Founder, Christina Elmen.  Both became profitable and did what large agencies were unwilling to do; whatever it takes! 

As a newer agency, we were selective with who we chose to work so that we could promise dedication to each client who chose us.  We wanted to make sure that we believed in each and every brand that we worked on and with this passion, we were able to thrive!

  • What motivates and inspires you as a young entrepreneur?

There is something so thrilling about knowing that every single day is full of uncapped opportunity and all you have to do is go and find it.  I also think another motivator for me is knowing that everything I do is truly for myself and my businesses.  I think when I used to work for other people, the reward came from getting praise for doing a good job, I never knew how much more rewarding self-praise would be.

It’s also such an incredible feeling to truly help your clients to grow and become profitable.  I have amazing personal relationships with all of the wonderful people who choose my agencies and they know that we give it our all!

Entrepreneurship is scary and there are plenty of times where you have moments of self-doubt, but seeing the results, is such an overwhelmingly cool feeling.  Being self-made is a super-power that no one can take from you.  Metaphorically building something from the dirt with your bare hands is not for everyone, but those who do it are irrevocably changed for the better, as a result.

  • How does your company uphold its uniqueness and individuality?

I think the way that my companies uphold their uniqueness and individuality is through our tenacity and willingness to take risk.  I’ve always been the type of leader that encourages my employees to think outside of the box and to play to their strengths by honing in on the skills they enjoy working on most.

Instead of forcing an overly regimented office structure with strict rules and micro-management, I hire incredible people, give them the freedom to be great, and let them do that however they choose.

My team works hard, they are all remarkable and brilliant, and they all keep an open-mind to doing things different than our competitors.  It’s why we get results!

  • Kindly mention some of the notable recognitions and accreditations received by your organisation.

Both HVH Media & Marketing and Twenty-One North have been listed as Top Marketing and PR Agencies by Expertise.com and we’ve been featured on Entrepreneurial magazine covers as recognition for being movers and shakers in our industry.  The awards will continue to come as we continue on our same trajectory!

  • The pandemic turned the tables for every sector of the economy, tell us something about your market and its scope for growth.

We were very blessed to help clients stay afloat during a devastating time.  We saw pivots to e-commerce and virtual experiences that were game-changing for helping businesses to continue to push sales and brand awareness at a time where we were no longer to physically service or sell to consumers. 

I think this pandemic really set true marketers apart from the “fad marketers” because it really pushed all of us out of our comfort zones of creativity and strategy.  We had to do something that hadn’t been done before, while our client’s businesses were on the line.  The stakes were high and we didn’t fail! 

  • Where do you see your organisation in the years to come?

I see our businesses growing into recognizable industry names that are home to so many diverse brands and people.  We will also continue to give back and empower women and women-powered organizations because at our core our values have always been about women uplifting other women.

  • Entrepreneurship is an art, what is your take on that?

If art is defined as the expression or application of human creativity through skill, then entrepreneurship is absolutely an art and marketing and PR is my medium of choice.  I will continue to paint the world with creative strategy, mold the clays of my industry with my unique approach to marketing, color my industry with innovation and revolutionary ideas, and permanently ink my mark in the sphere of marketing and business.