

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance of healthcare.

Breaking down the word simply, healthcare means taking care of your health. It is the organised provision of medical care to an individual or a community through medicine and pharmacy.

Health care does not only comprise physical well-being. It encompasses mental well-being as well. Mental health is a serious and prominent issue in today’s world. A large number of people suffer from depression, anxiety and isolation. A good health care system in a country seeks to provide relief to citizens suffering from either of the problems.

An efficient health care system in an economy can significantly contribute to the economic development and industrialisation of the economy. The health care sector is a major part of a country’s infrastructural facilities.

The healthcare infrastructure mainly comprises the advancement of the country in the field of mental and physical well-being. It is determined by the life expectancy of a sick person and the death ratio in the country. The infrastructure comprises hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, vaccination programs, clinical trials, sanitation facilities, doctors, surgeons, nurses and specialists. An important factor to determine the quality of health-related services in the country is to observe the life expectancy of a person who has undergone medical treatment.

India ranks 47th in the healthcare index. This may be because the health care facilities in the country are managed by public authorities. With the large extent of the population of the country, ensuring the free provision of health care services to every citizen is an extremely difficult task.

The Indian government has also established public hospitals in cities which can be accessed by people who belong to villages and fall below the poverty line, these people do not have the resources to pay for medical treatments. The doctors who work here receive their pay from the government. However, the services provided and equipment used by these hospitals and medical clinics are not very good. The poor quality of these services may be credited to the inadequate allocation of funds by the government to the health care sector.

The pandemic has driven a great deal of attention to the health sector. The government is finally understanding the importance of immunity and the well-being of the citizens in the country. As part of the economic relief package proposed by the government, the finance ministry has pledged 2.6 billion to the infrastructure of the health sector. Apart from that, the government has remembered to make huge provisions towards the health sector in the union budget of 2021-22 as well. It has allotted 2.83 lakh crores and 35,000 crores for the Covid-19 vaccination procedure.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. It refers to software and systems used to plan and manage the core supply chain, manufacturing, services, financial and other necessities of the enterprise. It is a consolidated process of gathering data for an enterprise through an integrated software suite. This data is then used to track consumer behaviour and implement various strategies to boost the business.

It includes various applications which automate business functions and operations like production, sales, quoting prices, accounting among others.

It focuses on managing the office and automating business functions. The make the data more accessible and make it convenient for the employees to use to the firm’s advantage.

ERP tools share a common process and data model, covering broad and deep end-to-end processes, such as those found in Finance, Human Resource, distribution, manufacturing services and the supply chain. The main purpose is to increase or boost organisational efficiency by improving managerial proficiency.

Today, most organisations and companies are depending on ERP. This is primarily due to its perspicacity and its simplified structure.

ERPs have gained the accreditation they deserve due to several factors. It is notably reducing inventory costs, the software manages the records, thus, the cost of assigning an employee for that particular cost is diminished. It provides distinct coordination between the supply chain and the warehouse. An ERP platform will oversee the functioning of the two and point out inventory issues in time.

It efficiently manages Human Resource by speeding up all those administrative and data storage challenges that the human resource department may face. It provides role-tailored dashboards that are easily configured for each employ. Thus, it increases the quality of work by eliminating any confusion or reason for chaos.

As managerial proficiency is introduced into the system, the day-to-day operations are highly simplified. A healthy relationship is formed between the employer and employee. Therefore, the quality of the product or service and subsequently the sales is increased.

Some of the prominent Enterprise Resource Planning platforms include SAP Business One, Microsoft Dynamics and Odoo.

The ERP software market is huge and predicted to rise further in the future. The industry is expected to rise to USD 71.68 billion by 2026, depicting an increase of 8.5% Its current market share.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the use of Enterprise Resource Planning platforms. The lockdown resulted in a lack of physical coordination between the employers, managers and employees. This resulted in losses. There were mass layoffs. The position of the mangers and inventory staff has been assumed by these platforms. They have played a vital role in helping businesses regain their position in the market.



The most convenient yet lucrative way of retail trade. Retail refers to the selling of good, purchased from a wholesaler to the final consumer in small quantities. Retail trade is undertaken by businessmen who are known as retailers. 

India ranks second in Global Retail Development, with 1.3 billion people. Its revenue accounts for 8% of the economic development in the country. The Indian Retail Industry is one of the most promising and fastest-growing markets in the country. Its growth rate is exemplary. Retail businesses in the country, essentially include grocery, pharmaceuticals, beauty products etc. Reliance Industries is the largest retailer in the country. 

This industry has evolved through various stages since 2003. From owner-manned shops to extensive online purchase. Implementing Foreign Direct Investment in the country, notably conferred on the prosperity of the retail sector of the economy. The policy brought in a variety of goods that sped up the competition in the markets, providing the consumer with multiple options. 

Retail in India depends not only on departmental stores and shopping malls. With the cosmic escalation in using technology in every household, online shopping through various e-commerce portals has significantly contributed to the retail industry. Consumers now prefer to select and purchase their desired products online rather than resorting to malls to purchase them. Discounts and price reduction is some of the chief factors that have furnished the growth in the retail sector. 

Other than that, Artificial Intelligence also plays an important role in determining consumer behaviour. AI has had a developing impact on the retail industry, which is expected to quadruple sales in the coming years. Advertising, income levels, acceptance towards technology, quality expectancy rank among other important factors that affect retail businesses in the market. 

The retail industry underwent substantial losses because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The outbreak also prompted panic buying among the people. Due to the lockdown, the sales graph drastically fell, which led to the lowest revenue figures ever recorded. Thus, modern retail groups such as Future Group, Shoppers Stop, Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail approached the government for minimum 50% wage subsidies. 

However, the post lockdown period was graced by a boom in this industry, consumption touched high figures. The business has proliferated by 80% when compared to the lockdown lows. The sudden boom has also led to an increase in the demand for warehouses in the country.

Data Analytics

Data analytics

Data analytics is a science that circumscribed the process of cleaning, analysing and scrutinising data to obtain valuable information and draw resourceful and lucrative conclusions. Over the years, data analytics has been subject to constant evolution. From simple data science, which involved monitoring various aspects of the market to developing algorithms, undertaking productive modelling and visualisation to dominate the market.

Data analysing has become an extremely high paid profession. Data is analysed by professionals who are extremely experienced in this field and can deal with huge numbers, they are called data analysts.

It deals with the application of statistics in order to create numerical or graphical data for an enterprise.

This data is then used to adopt various strategies by an organisation or business. The data is based on how a consumer reacts to a particular product or service. There is a proper process of analysing the effect of each product in the market. Ratios, charts and modules are prepared with precision to determine the prosperity of the business in the market.

Most of the decisions made are guided by the data that is obtained. The marketing strategy, the pricing, the advertising, the introduction of new products are all based on data.

With the ranging competition that engulfs the global market, every section of the global economy is using data analytics whether it is the health sector or the automobile sector. To serve their clients in the best ways possible, companies rely on data analytics.

Companies that have a large number of clients usually hire many professionals to undertake this service. Multi-billion dollar companies are relying on data analysis for approximately 45% of revenue. Data analytics has proved to be extremely cost reducing and time-saving. It has made the operation of a business much more convenient as the problem of indecisiveness is significantly reduced. Other than that, the speculation in the market has remarkably degradded. Entrepreneurs are no longer subject to the anxiety that arises as a result of speculation about the success of their product, as they are often able to predict the response of the consumers with their perspicacity and the analysis of data.

Companies that wish to stay in the market have to use data instead of guessing it. In the post-pandemic world, the consumer is going to gain a higher position and is likely to dominate the market operations and the pricing, in such a situation a company that does not study the market is bound to face losses.



The term ‘cyber’ refers to the culture of technology and computers, and ‘security’ refers to protection. Therefore, in simple vocabulary, cybersecurity refers to the defence or preservation of various components related to a computer and networking system. It is information on technology service 

that acts as a safety net against the cybersecurity internet. 

Today cybersecurity applicant has become extremely crucial. It is a broad concept that transparently refers to the defence mechanism that is adopted against cybersecurity hackers over the internet. This ensures then and safety of computers, servers, mobile devices, data, electronic systems and networks. Cyber cybersecurity does network security, application security, data security, cloud security and mobile security. 

Network security is the preparation offered that is sent over a network. This data can be accessed by hackers and corrupt application from applications that may cause the application to malfunction. 

Data security is a pivotal service. Companies store large amounts of data over the internet, this data is extremely important to the company and must not be leaked out in any circumstances. 

Cloud security involves the monitoring and protection of data that is uploaded on the cloud.  

Mobile security refers to the invasion of software and operating systems. These are the results of viruses. 

Internet and networking have become an indispensable part of the modern market. Businesses in this technology-dominated world. immensely depend on thee storage of data on computers, databases or the cloud. This data can be accessed and manipulated by experienced hackers, who may use it to their benefit or else to bring down the public reputation of the enterprise. 

To prevent this evasion of privacy, companies undertake cybersecurity measures. 

Other than hackers, there are various threats that a company can be subjected to over the internet such as viruses and software malfunctions that may occur because of bugs. Cybersecurity solves all these problems. 

To safeguard their sensitive data, organisations depend on cybersecurity. If the servers, networks and computers are not secured, then the company may face extensive losses. Economic losses may arise with the loss of corporate information. The reputation of the firm may degrade if sensitive information is leaked. The company may lose some loyal clients. 

Cybersecurity offers not only protection and safeguarding but also includes the fixing up of a website or network that has been attacked. Thus more and more companies are availing this service.



The era of masks, sanitisers and social distancing marked the declaration of coronavirus disease as a global pandemic. A virus that was found affecting the Chinese in Wuhan has turned into a fatal disease. 

Coronavirus disease has claimed over 2.65 million lives. It has created havoc and wrecked homes across the globe. Covid-19 is said to have originated by the consumption of a bat by a human.

 Retrospective investigations by the Chinese government say that the first case of the coronavirus appeared on December,20 9. China announced a nation-wide lockdown in mid-January. This was to prevent the spread of the virus among the citizens of the country. The government told the enlightened the people on how social distancing was the only possible solution. 

However, it was too late for their countries. Initially, the number of cases were in single digits, but it wasn’t long before they rose to a hundred and later lakhs. Between February and March, Italy was the single most affected country in the world. There was a peaking death ratio. Subsequently, other nations in the European Union followed and the other countries succumbed to the virus. The whole of Europe was under lockdown in mid-February. 

India announced its nation-wide 21-day lockdown and social distancing program on 23rd March 2020. The lockdown was further extended. In March, India recorded a few thousand cases. Despite this, the cases continued to rise. In the first unlock period, India was recording over thirty-thousand cases each day. The peak came in the months of September-November when the record for one day was around one lakh. 

The situation improved in the winter months. India was recording less than twenty thousand cases each day. However, with the upcoming elections in various states, the cases are rising. Some states have announced partial lockdown.  

Apart from the economic downfall of the global economy. The covid-19 pandemic brought harm to the people in a lot of many ways. Students haven’t received a proper education in over a year. Schools and universities have resorted to online classes. In rural areas, where there are no provisions for online classes, schools haven’t resumed operation. 

The mental health of the citizens has distinctly deteriorated. Isolation in the pandemic has increased anxiety issues and depression among the people. Statistics show the pandemic caused a sharp increase among the people who visit psychiatrists. Because of financial problems, a lot of families underwent fights and quarrels. The government incurred huge expenses to help people to return to their homes. 

The pandemic is not yet over. Is there a possibility for another lockdown? We don’t know yet. The fate of the virus is extremely uncertain. We have no clue as to where this pandemic is heading and what the future holds. 

Why Reading Multiple Books At A Time Is A Must To Build The Reading Habit

In a world inundated with distractions, cultivating the habit of reading is akin to nurturing a sanctuary for the mind. However, the approach to reading is as diverse as the readers themselves. While some prefer to immerse themselves in a single book until its conclusion, others find solace and stimulation in juggling multiple literary works simultaneously. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this practice offers a plethora of benefits that not only enhance the reading experience but also contribute to personal growth and intellectual enrichment.

  1. Stimulates Diverse Interests:
    Reading multiple books at a time opens the door to a smorgasbord of subjects, genres, and writing styles. It allows readers to explore diverse interests simultaneously, catering to the multifaceted nature of human curiosity. Whether it’s delving into fiction, non-fiction, philosophy, or history, each book provides a unique lens through which to perceive the world, fostering a rich tapestry of knowledge and understanding.
  2. Prevents Monotony and Boredom:
    Even the most ardent bookworms can attest to the occasional onset of reader’s block, where the monotony of a single narrative becomes tiresome. By engaging with multiple books concurrently, readers can stave off boredom and reignite their passion for reading. The ability to switch between different narratives provides mental refreshment, ensuring that the reading experience remains dynamic and captivating.
  3. Encourages Active Reading Habits:
    Reading multiple books simultaneously encourages active engagement with the text, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. Rather than passively consuming a single narrative, readers must actively synthesize information, compare and contrast ideas, and draw connections between disparate texts. This active reading habit not only enhances comprehension but also promotes cognitive flexibility and intellectual agility.
  4. Promotes Time Management and Discipline:
    Juggling multiple books requires effective time management and discipline, as readers must allocate their reading time judiciously across various texts. By honing these skills, individuals cultivate a sense of accountability and structure in their reading habits, which can extend to other areas of their lives. Learning to balance multiple commitments fosters resilience and adaptability, empowering readers to navigate life’s complexities with grace and efficiency.
  5. Fosters Serendipitous Discoveries:
    One of the most delightful aspects of reading multiple books simultaneously is the serendipitous discoveries that arise from unexpected juxtapositions. As readers navigate between different narratives, they may stumble upon intriguing parallels, contrasting perspectives, or unforeseen connections that enrich their understanding of the world. These moments of serendipity spark curiosity and fuel intellectual curiosity, fostering a lifelong love affair with reading.

In a world characterized by constant stimulation and rapid information dissemination, the practice of reading multiple books simultaneously offers a sanctuary of intellectual exploration and personal growth. By embracing diversity in reading habits, individuals can stimulate their minds, prevent boredom, cultivate active reading skills, and foster discipline and time management. Ultimately, the art of reading multiple books concurrently transcends the confines of the page, enriching lives and broadening horizons in ways both profound and enduring.

Issue Concerning Professional Growth Of Teacher

Financial Education is a very important aspect in today’s world. It has an ability to generate a

Unveiling Business Insights: Navigating the Complexities of Today’s Marketplace

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of modern business, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just intuition and industry experience. It demands a keen understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging trends. Business insights serve as the compass guiding organizations through the complexities of today’s marketplace, illuminating opportunities, mitigating risks, and driving strategic decision-making. Let’s delve into the transformative power of business insights and how they can propel companies towards sustained success.

  1. Data-driven Decision Making:
    In an era defined by the abundance of data, harnessing its potential is paramount to informed decision-making. Business insights leverage advanced analytics and data visualization techniques to distill vast troves of information into actionable intelligence. By analyzing market trends, customer preferences, and competitor strategies, organizations can make data-driven decisions with confidence, minimizing uncertainty and maximizing the likelihood of success.
  2. Understanding Customer Needs:
    At the heart of every successful business lies a deep understanding of customer needs and desires. Business insights provide invaluable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and pain points, enabling organizations to tailor their products and services to meet evolving demands. Whether through sentiment analysis, customer surveys, or social media monitoring, businesses can glean actionable insights that drive product innovation, enhance customer experiences, and foster long-term loyalty.
  3. Competitive Intelligence:
    In a hyper-competitive marketplace, knowledge is power. Business insights empower organizations with a comprehensive understanding of their competitive landscape, allowing them to identify strengths, weaknesses, and strategic opportunities. By monitoring competitor activities, benchmarking performance metrics, and conducting SWOT analyses, companies can develop effective strategies to differentiate themselves, capitalize on market gaps, and maintain a competitive edge.
  4. Anticipating Market Trends:
    Adaptability is the hallmark of successful businesses, and staying ahead of market trends is essential for sustained growth. Business insights enable organizations to anticipate shifts in consumer preferences, technological advancements, and regulatory changes, empowering proactive decision-making. Whether through predictive analytics, scenario planning, or trend forecasting, businesses can position themselves as industry leaders, seizing opportunities before they materialize and mitigating risks before they escalate.
  5. Enhancing Operational Efficiency:
    Efficiency and productivity are the cornerstones of operational excellence. Business insights illuminate inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and optimization opportunities across all facets of the organization, from supply chain management to workforce optimization. By leveraging data-driven insights, companies can streamline processes, allocate resources more effectively, and drive cost savings, thereby enhancing profitability and agility in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

In today’s dynamic and interconnected business environment, the ability to glean actionable insights from data has become indispensable for success. Business insights serve as the compass guiding organizations through the complexities of the marketplace, empowering them to make informed decisions, understand customer needs, outmaneuver competitors, anticipate market trends, and enhance operational efficiency. By harnessing the transformative power of business insights, companies can navigate uncertainty with confidence, seize opportunities with agility, and chart a course towards sustained growth and prosperity.