Dr. Sanjiv Chopra chose to go into medicine at the age of 12 years

Dr. Sanjiv Chopra chose to go into medicine at the age of 12 years, when he had a terrifying experience. He was studying at Saint Columba’s high school in New Delhi, and on a warm, sultry Sunday evening after playing a cricket match, he took a brief nap. When he awoke, he was terrified. His eyes were open and he could not see. He nudged his brother, Deepak, who reckoned that he was not faking it. His uncle, with whom they lived as they finished schooling in New Delhi, as his father – a prominent physician – was stationed 200 miles away, took him to a nearby military hospital. The doctors did not know what was going on. They finally got a hold of his father, who very calmly asked them what happened to Sanjiv over the past several months. They discussed that he had an injury, a sharp cut to his leg and was given antibiotics and stitches. His father asked if he was given a tetanus shot, to which they proudly responded he was. When they responded yes, his father quickly knew that he was having a rare idiosyncratic reaction to this shot. It is an incredibly uncommon occurrence, perhaps 1 in a million. The odds of his father even knowing this was remarkable. The next day, he said to himself that his dharma – his authenticity and moral truth – is to become a doctor.

He has told this story to professors of ophthalmology at Harvard, UCLA, Johns Hopkins, and they are flabbergasted that his father knew this. It is not even a common footnote in medical textbooks, and if it was not for his knowledge in that moment, he may have lost his vision permanently. After that, Dr. Chopra attended the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi in 1966. This is where he met his wonderful wife, Amita, as classmates. After graduating, they moved to the United States. Since then, he has been fortunate to have training in gastroenterology and hepatology by Eli Schimmel, Raymond Koff, and Peter Banks, true giants in medicine. Dr. Chopra joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School almost 4 decades ago, and had the privilege of serving as both a professor and the Faculty Dean for Continuing Education at Harvard Medical School for 12 years. He now teaches leadership, medicine, happiness and purpose, and speaks throughout the United States and internationally. In addition, he is the Editor in Chief of the Hepatology section of “Up To Date”, an electronic textbook that is subscribed to by 1.5 million physicians in 195 countries.

Achievements and Awards

He has been fortunate to have his work as an educator and professor at Harvard Medical School be recognized with awards such as the Excellence in Teaching Award by Harvard Medical School and the American Gastroenterological Association’s Distinguished Educator Award. He was also awarded the George W. Thorn Award by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital house staff and Robert S. Stone Award by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center house staff. He was recently the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for “Exemplifying outstanding qualities in both one’s personal and professional lives while continuing to preserve the richness of one’s particular heritage”. In 2009 Dr. Chopra was elected as a Master of the American College of Physicians, a singular honor bestowed to only a select few individuals for being “citizen physicians, educational innovators, scientific thinkers and humanists who inspire those around him or her and set the standards for quality in medicine.”

 “My purpose is to fulfill my dharma”

When we asked Dr. Chopra to describe himself in one word, he described himself as “Happy!” He said, “Even though ‘brevity is the soul of wit’, I am going to take the liberty of answering this question in more than a word, but using a phrase. That phrase is ‘I’m living my purpose’. Mark Twain most famously said, T’he two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why’”. On that night in New Delhi, Dr. Chopra found his “why”, his dharma, and he is living his purpose in life. His purpose and his mission in life is “to fulfill my dharma to teach medicine, leadership, happiness, and living with purpose, to do it grounded with humility, and with an ardent desire to learn every single day. To celebrate with gratitude my family, friends, colleagues, students, and patients who inspire me in countless ways and in some small measure inspire everybody that I meet in this amazing life journey. Everything I do must align with my purpose.” If it is not, he considers it a distraction or a detour, regardless of what fame or fortune it might engender.

“In every adversity is the seed of greater success”

Dr. Chopra acknowledges that we all face major challenges. One of his children has a chronic health disorder for which she has required multiple admissions to the hospital. She also had a terrible accident some years ago when a car hit her as a pedestrian, and she sustained multiple fractures and a concussion. She was admitted to the hospital for several months. When something like that happens to a child, it can be very traumatic. Fortunately, she is doing very well now and is a happy and grateful person. Dr. Chopra himself has been in very good health, outside of two total hip operations and back surgery. These are challenges, but he believes that we learn and grow from them. There is a saying: in every adversity is the seed of greater success. We learn from it. Dr. Chopra thanks his family and friends who have been amazingly resourceful, helpful, and supportive in these somewhat trying times.

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”

The most significant contributions Dr. Chopra has made, other than in hepatology and educating doctors across the globe about liver disorders, has been in his books and talks about leadership, purpose, and happiness. Teaching others to find and pursue their purpose and live with lasting happiness is something that Dr. Chopra finds immensely fulfilling. One of Dr. Chopra’s favorite quotes is that of the French philosopher Voltaire, who said “Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”. Dr. Chopra firmly believes that it is vital that we share our talents and our skills with others and that knowledge is in the domain of the seeker. He believes that mentoring young people and nurturing students and junior faculty has been enormously gratifying for him. He has had the podium as a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, as a former Faculty Dean for Continuing Education, as a Continuing Medical Education course director for multiple courses nationally and abroad, and is a lecturer and keynote speaker for multiple courses internationally, sharing with others his reflections about the topics that he is most passionate about.

His way of motivation

Dr. Chopra keeps himself motivated by always remembering that “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success”. This wonderful quote by Albert Schweitzer guides how Dr. Chopra lives. He has found that there are four common traits to the happiest people on this planet:

  • A cadre of good friends
  • The ongoing ability to forgive
  • Being of service to others
  • Living with gratitude

What is the key to sustained happiness?

Happiness is more than the sum total of happy moments. In order for us to have sustained happiness, we must find our purpose and live it. Dr. Chopra keeps himself focused by staying in the moment, meditating, creating happiness in others. He meditates twice a day for fifteen to twenty minutes, and he believes that this is perhaps the greatest gift that he has given himself. It keeps him grounded and makes him more creative. In our interview with Dr. Chopra, he referenced an ancient saying: ‘You should meditate once a day, and if you do not have time to do it, meditate twice a day’. As he is always busy, he practices meditation twice daily. Although the experience of meditation is incredibly blissful, Dr. Chopra states that the reason we should do it is to accrue the benefits in activity. Hence, it is ideally done in the morning for 15 to 20 minutes and then again in the late afternoon for the same period.

Another important message for everyone in the world, according to Dr. Chopra, is to practice kindness and be compassionate. In the Talmud, it says compassion is the highest form of wisdom. The Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible”. He also said, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.” Additionally, Dr. Chopra believes that happiness is enhanced when one is philanthropic. He defines philanthropy as love for humanity. While many of us think of philanthropy as charitable donations, sums of money, a monetary concept, Dr. Chopra believes that philanthropy is more than money. To Dr. Chopra, if you give of your time, your talents, or your treasures, that is philanthropy. To be extremely philanthropic requires courage. American businessman, Chuck Feeney, is one such individual. He has given billions of dollars to various charities and kept only $2 million for his and his wife’s retirement. He has embodied the concept of“Giving While Living” beautifully. Bill Gates has said that Mr. Feeney is a role model for all of us.

Future of Humanity

Dr. Chopra, when asked to reflect on his future, answered that he believes the future of humanity belongs to young people. He also believes that women will shape the future. Forbes magazine has a cover story on several leaders who handled Covid-19 in an exemplary way. They were leaders of seven countries – Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Denmark, Norway, Germany and Taiwan — all governed by women. One of Dr. Chopra’s favorite quotes is by Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel laureate in literature, who once said, “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man”. With all the wars, the killings, and the negativity in the world, every child gives us hope. To Dr. Chopra, that is the future.

DIANE RAVITCH : life of Author

My career got off to a late start. I married a few weeks after graduating college in 1960, had children, and tried to write freelance articles when I found time. One of my children died of acute leukemia in 1966, and I began thinking about finding a profession to match my interests. In 1968, I became fascinated with the history of the New York City public schools, which were in the midst of an unprecedented two-month-long teachers’ strike. I tried to find a magazine interested in publishing an article I had written, but none was interested.

But the more I read about the history of the schools, the most fascinated I became. I called on the nation’s leading historian of education in the nation, Lawrence Cremin at Teachers College, Columbia University, and he encouraged me by giving me a reading list. I spent months in the library when my children were in school, and I began writing. By 1974, my book about the history of public schools in New York City was published (The Great School Wars), and in 1975, it was accepted as my doctoral dissertation. That year, I received my Ph.D. in history of American education, and my career as an academic began.

I continued for years to teach (as an adjunct) at Teachers College, to write articles for the mainstream press, and to write books.

I taught at Teachers College until 1991, when I was invited by Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander to join the George H.W. Bush administration as Assistant Secretary of Education in charge of Research. I agreed, and served in that position for 19 months. After my term in office ended, I was invited to become a Senior  Fellow at the Brookings Institution in  Washington, D.C., where I wrote a book about standards and served from 1995-2012.

In 1994, I joined the faculty at New York University, where I was a Research Professor until 2020. I taught classes, wrote articles and books, and traveled widely to lecture about current issues in education.

In 1998, President Bill Clinton appointed me to serve on the national testing board, which is called the National Assessment Governing Board, where I served for seven years and learned a lot about standardized testing, its uses and flaws.

After leaving the Bush administration, I was well-known as a proponent of standards, testing, accountability, competition, and school choice. I belonged to three conservative think tanks, most notably, the Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force, which consisted of the nation’s most eminent conservative education scholars.

However, about 2007, I began to rethink my views and to publish articles that questioned positions that I had previously advocated. In 2009, I quit my position on the Koret Task Force at the Hoover Institution and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute in D.C., telling my colleagues that I no longer believed in the conservative agenda of standards, testing, accountability, competition, and school choice.

In 2010, I published a book recanting my conservative views. It was called The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (Basic Books). The book became a national bestseller, and I became somewhat notorious as someone who had publicly changed her mind. I became an outspoken critic of school privatization and standardized testing, and I had an arsenal of facts and experience to back up my conclusions. I became convinced that the basic reason for low test scores is not “bad teachers” or “bad schools” but poverty. Until we as a society address root causes, nothing will change.

  • Let us know about the major achievements, accolades and recognitions that you have earned in your entire career so far.

Among my major achievements, the one I treasure most is the Daniel Patrick Moynihan award from the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences in 2011 for The Death and Life of the Great American School System. Theaward was created to recognize those “social scientists, public officials, and civic leaders who champion the use of informed judgment to advance the public good.” This represented recognition by some of the nation’s leading scholars, and it meant a lot to me.

  • How do you describe yourself in one-word?

One word: Principled.

  • In short, tell us about your organization, its distinct academic solutions, achievements, and mission, vision and USP.

In 2013, I co-founded the Network for Public Education and have since served as its president. It is a voluntary organization with about 350,000 allies—educators, parents, concerned citizens—who work to protect and improve public schools, to resist privatization and the misuse of standardized tests. We have used social media and publications to inform the public about threats to their public schools by profiteer and entrepreneurs. NPE has grown from an idea to a large and recognized national organization, due to the hard work of its large number of supporters. We consult with legislators and members of Congress. We connect activists with others who share their goals, in different parts of the same state and in other states.

  • What were the major challenges that you have faced in your career and what are the difficulties you have faced while establishing the organization?

The major challenges that I faced in my career was the penalty I paid for changing sides and admitting I was wrong. When I changed sides, I abandoned the sizable income associated with being on the conservative side and gained the enmity of people who were once my good friends. I have never regretted the decision I made.

The difficulties I had in starting a new organization was that my co-partner (Anthony Cody, a brilliant middle school science teacher in Oakland, California) and I had no money. The people on “the other side” of our issues were led by billionaires with endless money. We wanted to start a PAC to help people we admired, but that turned out to be legally and financially very difficult. We eventually recruited a strong board, hired a retired but very active high school principal as our CEO, and we created a viable organization that is now on firm financial footing and extremely active in reaching out to the public with solid information.

  • Being a prominent thought leader, what are the most significant contributions you have made for the development of institutions?

My most significant contributions to the development of the organization I lead: first, I use my public platform to call attention to the organization and its good works. My personal blog has surpassed 38 million page views, and everyone who reads my daily blog is well informed about the Network for Public Education. Second, I remain very active in the work of NPE, proofreading our reports (written by our wonderful CEO Carol Burris), I share ideas with her and the board, and I host an irregular Zoom where I interview authors whose work illuminates education issues we care about. Third, I use my article and my public appearances at lectures to call attention to the work of NPE and encourage people to join.

  • How do you keep yourself motivated?

How do I stay motivated? I get angry when billionaires complain about teachers’ salaries and pensions. I get angry when I see millions of children too poor to live decent lives, too poor to get regular medical check-ups, too poor to be well-housed, well-fed, and protected from life’s vicissitudes. The vast inequality in our society is unacceptable to me. I am fortunate; my children and grandchildren are fortunate. But I cannot rest when others are suffering needlessly while we have a growing number of billionaires.

  • What message would you address to the people of the nation and the rest of the world?

The previous comment would be my message to the people of the nation and the world: Reduce inequality and assure that all people have a decent standard of living.

  • How do you see yourself and your organization in the future ahead?

I am 82. I don’t have a lot of years left. I will use the time I have left on this earth to try to repair the damage that has harmed so many lives by a selfish and individualistic society. My tools are few: I write and I speak. I do what I can. I believe that NPE will continue no matter what happens to me because it speaks on behalf of the 50 million plus children in public schools. It speaks to a future where we must put the common good above selfish consumerism or lose our ideals.

Desha Jackson: A born visionary leader

When we are very young and our minds tender, impressions made on it often last forever. 

This is also the time when we get easily influenced by our surroundings and our thought processes start shaping. At age 8, when most kids are engrossed with cartoons, Desha Jackson was moving towards law. She always wanted to help people and make a difference in the world. She believes that her inclination towards law was the first hint that she was cut out for something big. Growing up, she got hooked on legal shows like Perry Mason, Matlock, and LA Law. She perceived law as a versatile career where there are many different areas of practice and one can hang out single or work for the government or a private firm or company. “You also have a choice of transactional work verse litigation. I liked the versatility and the ability to help people,” she says.

Today, she is the managing lawyer of Desha Jackson Law Group. She started as a law clerk in 1996 after law school and also worked as an intern throughout college at different legal offices. She completed courses at the Rutgers University Center of Management Development and obtained an Equal Employment Certificate. Ms. Jackson was the first African-American female to be hired as an Assistant Prosecutor in Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office 150 year history in 1997.

Before opening her firm Ms. Jackson was of Counsel to the Law Office of Evelyn Padin for two years and before that, with the firm of Wilentz, Goldman, and Spitzer where she was assigned to the Employment Law Team. Prior to working at Wilentz, Ms. Jackson was the Assistant Director of the Equal Employment Division of the New Jersey Department of Corrections. There she assisted in investigations of corrections officers and staff discrimination complaints, provided advice about equal employment issues, as well as provided training to employees about the anti-discrimination policy and procedures. 

Ms. Jackson served as Acting Director in the Office of State Police Affairs in 2006.  She was a Deputy Attorney General in this unit for 5 years prior.  In this role she was in charge of overseeing the implementation of the New Jersey State Police Consent Decree regarding Racial Profiling and ensure protection of troopers for violations of their standard operating procedures. She reported directly to the Attorney General of New Jersey in this position while operating a unit of attorneys, law enforcement investigators and staff. During her tenure she argued a case in the New Jersey Supreme Court Ronald said, Jr. vs. State of New Jersey, Division of State Police, 191 N.J. 516 (2007). She won this case by unanimous decision. 

Ms. Jackson returned to the Department of Corrections from 2009 until 2016. She was an Assistant Director and served as the ADA Coordinator for the department during her entire tenure, as well as the manager of the construction and legal affairs units at various times during her tenure. She created and provided training regarding the ADA, advised the Commissioner and other officials and managers regarding various legal issues, and supervised employees. In 2016 Ms. Jackson became a legal consultant for the City of Newark’s Public Safety Department. She was the lead hearing officer for all disciplinary matters and assisted with implementing their consent decree. 

Being there for the Society

Ms. Jackson mainly practices anti-discrimination law. She is also President of her own non-profit DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation. She also produced Jersey City Fashion Week (JCFW) for 9 years and plans to bring it back! Give to Live raises funds and promotes awareness for charitable causes through fashion, entertainment, and sports-related events. Their mission is to raise funds and awareness as well as to support charitable causes, events, and needs of people in some of the following areas: sports, athletics, education, religion, poverty, homelessness, socio-economically depressed areas, law enforcement, the arts, sick and disabled people, children, young adults, students, women and the elderly through fashion, sports and entertainment events.

“We are one of the few purely charity fashion weeks. We have given our proceeds to over 15 other charitable groups that meet our mission including Dress for Success of Hudson County, York Street Project, Boys and Girls Clubs of Hudson County and Art House Productions, Rising Tide Capital, The Hope Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, the Snowflake Youth Foundation, Girdiron Group, Jersey City Recreation, the Concordia Learning Center at St. Joseph School for the Blind, Mo Hair Foundation, Covenant House of New Jersey, Habitat for Humanity of Hudson County, Hope House in Jersey City, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson and Union Counties, Fashion & Arts XChange Group Easter Seals, Salvation Army, and the Hudson Pride Center. I have a great board and a phenomenal volunteer crew that has been with my program for several years,” exclaims Ms. Jackson.

Making it Big

Intense, focused, and passionate, Ms. Jackson is very involved in professional bar-related activities and was named Young Lawyer of the Year in 2002 by the New Jersey State Bar Association (hereinafter “NJSBA”) Young Lawyers Division. She is a member of several NJSBA and American Bar Association (hereinafter “ABA”) committees and sections including the NJSBA Entertainment, Sports and Arts Section, and the ABA Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries. Ms. Jackson is a past NJSBA Board of Trustee member, former Chair of the NJSBA Diversity Committee, and past member and Vice Chair of South Jersey of the NJSBA Judicial and Prosecutorial Appointments Committee. Ms. Jackson is also a past president of the New Jersey Women’s Lawyers Association and the first woman of color to lead the organization. She is also a past president of the Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey.   

Ms. Jackson has also received many awards and honors throughout her career for professional and community involvement. She received a Women of Distinction Award from the Girl Scout Council of Greater Essex and Hudson Counties in 2005 and a Special Achievement Award from Lakewood NAACP in 2004. She is listed in the Congressional Record by the Honorable Donald M. Payne on February 5, 1998, for professional achievement and in 1998 received the Young Alumnae Achievement Award from Drew University. She has been selected for inclusion in the New Jersey Super Lawyers-Rising Stars Editions from 2006 until 2009. In 2007, Ms. Jackson also received a Professionalism Lawyer of the Year award from the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism and the New Jersey Women Lawyer Association and the Glenn Cunningham Community Service Award from the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE).Recently Ms. Jackson was featured in the 100 Top Lawyer Magazine in 2020. 

Drawing Strength from Faith

Ms. Jackson just became a Pastor at her church. She’s a Christian and grew up Baptist and Pentecostal. Her father was a preacher and her mother would sing a different spiritual song every day. God has been at the center of her life since she was born. 

“I feel my belief in Jesus makes me a better lawyer. My clients become part of my firm family. My passion for my clients comes from God. My referrals are because God is running my practice. I would not have become a lawyer if it were not for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit getting me into and through law school. I passed the bar the first time I took the test. All God!! While I do not always win, there is value in giving all that I have in helping people in their time of need. My practice is really part of my ministry. I literally just realized this recently. Several of my clients have said that too,” said Ms. Jackson. 

Encouraging Diversity

Being inclined towards helping all, Ms. Jackson often finds it tough to say ‘no’ to people around her. However, she soon realized it is not prudent to take on more cases than one can handle. “Clear discernment is the best skill you can have in private practice. Know when to say no,” she says.

In her capacity as the Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Diversity Committee for many years, Ms. Jackson worked to ensure diversity was an issue considered by lawyers and the NJSBA administration through policy and programs. Their programs specifically dealt with issues like how to increase diversity and issues of inclusion.

“As a lawyer, I hope that my lawsuits against employers regarding discrimination help in some way to change their policies and tactics. Recently, I settled a matter against a major corporation in Las Vegas where my client was called a “Nigger” by someone in management and subsequently not rehired due to that person. Hopefully, there will be change in their policies and procedures regarding this type behavior after this lawsuit.  He was one of a few minorities in the workplace. Lack of diversity in the workplace is sometimes directly related to an unconscious or conscious bias against the minorities, women, older people, etc. This bias can cause you to discriminate and not hire, promote or support the victims. I am a Plaintiff’s anti-discrimination lawyer. I’m hoping to make a difference in eradicating discrimination one case at a time,” she says. While she was president of the Association of Black Women Lawyers and the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association she also participated in, supported, and created programs that helped with diversity in the workplace. 

To the young entrepreneurs, Ms. Jackson says, “Put God first, save money, trust your instincts, not all money is good money, tomorrow is another day, give it all you got, cover your client back, clients need to know you care, the money will come!!”

Looking forward to Growth

Ms. Jackson has advised various clients regarding contracts and business issues in the entertainment and sports industry. These clients have included athletes, dancers, singers, live stage performers, musicians, television personalities, disc jockeys, fashion designers as well as actors. She is also a FIBA agent.  She also has participated in numerous employment matters involving employees and employers including discrimination, severance agreements, and policy matters. She has served as a hearing officer for numerous disciplinary matters. She serves as an investigator for various employment cases including discrimination, ethical matters, and discipline. 

Ms. Jackson is also the creator of the Run Sister Run program at the Center for American Women in Politics. This program is designed to encourage African American Women to participate in the political arena and is planned in conjunction with the Ready to Run Program which provides training for women who are running for office.

“I’m looking into a few things including financing, marketing ideas, hiring a few other lawyers. I’m participating in more ICLE, professional and community organizational programs, and radio and I joined a few groups. I cannot thank my many clients, friends, and colleagues who constantly refer me cases on a regular basis,” concludes Ms. Jackson. 

C. F. Tsai -The Virtuous Leader, Simplifying Law for Business

If only we could see our future, life would be easy. We could know what will be the impact of what we are doing today. However, the roads ahead of us are always in the mist and we cannot be always lucky enough to have only favorable moments. One’s decision in every moment will decide or shape the eventual performance. So one needs to have a sober mind before a stuck or confusing moment to take rational measures in solving the encountered difficulties to better incubate the intended goal or results.

Being decisive or rational may have different levels. The more equipped or knowledgeable you are or have, the upper level you own. It is therefore our basic recognition to well-equip or well-master ourselves to greet the challenges present in our life journeys. While this holds true for all walks of our life, matters of law need very specific talent. It is not for the common people to understand each and every aspect of the law that could affect their daily life and business. For matters of business law and specific regulations, one must depend on experts in the field. The patent attorneys and patent engineers at Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law are just the ones businesses can rely on.

A Trusted Firm

It is Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law’s philosophy to provide competent legal services that other firms cannot comparably provide.  The necessitated ensuing problem is how they can provide so?  The secret lies in selecting, edifying, and nurturing people who have the following personalities: learned in expertise, morally earnest and sincerely behaved in mind, and strictly disciplined between give and take. 

It is well-believed that such properties are key factors for people to properly and competently behave themselves. 

The staff at the firm normally holds outstanding and advanced degrees and are generally graduated from the top three universities in Taiwan.  The prominent staff is dedicated to providing the best quality service in IPRs in this country. By the perseverance that they only do what they do and only perform works that enable the firm to be deep and far, Deep and Far can then equate the reality with its name.  

About one-half of the top 100 incorporations in Taiwan have experienced seeking patents for their techniques. Interestingly, more than one-fifth of the top 100 incorporations have once or more used the services of Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law. Hi-Tech companies in the science-based industrial park located at Hsin Chu are playing the most important role in booming the economy of Taiwan. Likewise, mMore than 50% of the patent-experienced companies in that park have entrusted Deep & Far with their IPR works.

The firm has been highly ranked by most reputable IP survey entities including Chambers & Partner; Managing I.P.; IP STARS; International Advisory Experts; Corporate INTL; Asialaw; Corporate LiveWire; Corporate USA Today; Global 100; Asia IP;  and more. It currently represents international giants, like Armani, Baidu, Beckhoff, BYD, CICC, Chep, Cypress, Dr. Reddy, Gleason, InterDigital, Lenovo, Lupin, Motorola, MPS, NovaLED, Oppo, Piramal, and more.

An Experienced Name

Deep & Far attorneys-at-law was founded in 1992 by C.F. Tsai because he understood that other firms’ services may not be imaginarily satisfactory, or may not be wonderful enough for the clients. The firm grew rapidly in the early days of its establishment because of its competence.  As time goes by and when more and more newcomers jumped into the market, competence is no more a dominating factor and it challenges the philosophy or mindset of running a business or maneuvering the journey. The founder, Mr. C. F. Tsai is the first patent practitioner in the IP industry in Taiwan who both has technological (Marine Technology from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University/NYMCTU)) and law (LLB from National Taiwan University/NTU and LLM from Soo Chou University) backgrounds and is qualified as a local attorney-at-law. 

To secure the outstanding service output, one of the successors of the firm is Yu-Li Tsai, a Bachelor from the Electrical Engineering Department of NTU and a Master’s from the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering of NTU. He received an IP Master’s degree from UNH Law (Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property) and a Scientific Law Master’s degree from NYMCTU and earned the qualifications of Taiwan Patent Attorney and patent agent of US and Mainland China. Another successor is Lu-Fa Tsai who is an attorney-at-law and graduated from the Department of Law of NTU, the Graduate Institute of Law of NTU, and the Faculty of Law of the University of Göttingen in Germany.  

Proven and Efficient Methodology

There is no formula for overnight success. The way to the top for Deep & Far started with the way they tackled their initial struggle. The secret was to insist on the provision of the best quality and improvement of the service quality so that neither the client nor the competitors can find a criticizable loophole in the work quality they provide. As an example, they worked on the validity of Taiwan Utility Model No. 4986, filed and patented in 1971, because it involved historical damage records and disputes until December 17, 2010. More than 50 civil, criminal and administrative court cases have been filed in this regard, and more than 200 judges have ruled in favor of the patentee. This firm represented the accused infringer to challenge the validity of the patent at issue in 1996. Deep & Far won two times in the very same cases at the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC), ruling that the Patent Office and the lower court were wrong. Unfortunately, the patentee made it possible that the Code of Civil Proceedings was amended in 2003 to stipulate that even if Deep & Far won the very same administrative cases, the civil damage cases could not be overturned and that it eventually lost the very same cases before SAC in 2010. “The weapons we had are merely justice in mind and the truth and our competence to show that the patent at issue should be invalid. Our efforts then brought lots of attention, sympathy, and admiration,” says C.F. Tsai.

The roadblocks and challenges included: (1) the severe price cut competition because competitors keep entering this field in various forms; (2) the domestic Clients are typically very cost-sensitive, especially the small and medium-size entities, and often ask for a discount or extra free services. 

For the price cut competition, Deep & Far did not like to participate in the price wars and they found that the fundamental problem is that those Clients who ask for a discount or extra free services do not really understand the value of IP rights, and the reasons why they file the IP applications are just because they know the rights are important but they do not know why and how the rights are important. 

Therefore, the firm’s strategies to overcome the price cut competition are (1) sharing the knowledge of IP rights when they have the opportunity to meet with Clients; (2) sharing the approaches how they provide services with quality higher than other competitors’ and convince clients that they are the better choice even though their service fees are slightly higher than others.  “ For example, we tell the Client that we are confident in and proud of our competence, and welcome to be challenged to so prove or show by, e.g. (a) sending us a pending or granted a patent for our comments about how we can improve the claims, (b) sending us a pending patent specification without the claims for us to draft the claims for the client’s comparison with the original claims, or 3) sending to the firm the client is currently using and this firm at the same time an initial disclosure so that the client can compare and find out which firm can provide the better claims,” explains Tsai.

Becoming a Leader

As per C.F. Tsai, Perseverance (to pursue the chased goal), toughness (to take challenges encountered in chasing the goal), and courage (to cope with all ensuing difficulties upon taking challenges) are good attributes or friends that are always your companions who are often ready to assist you in maneuvering the life journey for exploring a successful life.

On being asked if he believes in micromanagement, he says, “Because devils are hidden in details, micro- or efficient management are important. Nevertheless, management is costly and needs subtle skills. The most efficient management is embedded in the routine works automatically subject to micro-management under an effective system. This is never easy and maybe a reward and punishment system under which everyone needs not feel satisfactory but accepts to be governed, and colleagues are willing to pay efforts in working and try best to safeguard the interests of the clients and the firm.”

He continues, “In the past, the patent portfolio is a valuable asset which deserves handsome investments. 

There is a tendency now that although the patent portfolio is still important, a company would like to build it under a predetermined budget.  It is therefore a firm being the most competent needs not necessarily win the service opportunities.  Accordingly, service opportunities can be secured at a right time from the right person in a service-seeking company.”

The Change, Brought about by the Pandemic

Because every industry will keep rolling, Deep & Far Attorneys-at-Law staunchly believes that the values of perseverance in adhering to quality service, the toughness of never omitting or neglecting quality service, and the courage to chase quality service endlessly are the most priceless tools to help the firm prosper or survive in the future. The recent years become even more challenging because of market competition and the unprecedented pandemic situation of COVID-19 which is merely something similar to a struggle or challenge in the society met in the past so that they need to or just stay with the virtues of perseverance, toughness, and courage related to cognition of quality services, and consigns the future results to the universe what it should deserve through adhering to such virtues.

Words of Wisdom:

Here’s what C.F. Tsai has to say to the young entrepreneurs:

“Never give a “no” answer.  Try to improve society while achieving your goals. 

Don’t stop after you overcome a small difficulty, because you may encounter new or bigger obstacles.  Try to do what is very important.

The best companies are driven by vision.  Therefore, you should stay firm and full of passion.

Try to locate the correct colleagues.

Some entrepreneurs end up in failure because they lack perseverance and problem-solving characteristics.  The secret to succeeding, at least in the early stages, lies in the ability to deal with problems.  If you can solve a problem even faster which you have never had, you should have the characteristics of success.

If you dare wait for success through virtues, success is a shadow you cannot get rid of.”

Brooke Lewis Bellas

CIO TIMES, I am honored to have been chosen for your ‘Inspiring Businesswomen’ piece. People often do not conceptualize the level of “business” the Entertainment Industry or a creative business requires. I launched my production company, Philly Chick Pictures, when I moved to Hollywood almost 20 years ago. After making a living acting in New York City just out of college, I did not even realize I had, in some ways, been producing when I would be brought onto a project as an actress. Although I love acting more than anything, I had been inspired to produce in order to create more roles for myself as an actress. I have always been a leader of sorts and have had a keen sense of managing personalities. I was not born into the entertainment business and there was no nepotism in my world, so I felt compelled to build something for myself. I took producing courses and workshops, then dove in as a producer to be able to do what I love the most, and that is to act.

  • What motivates and inspires you as an entrepreneur?

Passion, Purpose, Inspiration, Love, Philanthropy, Goals, and Challenges all motivate me as an entrepreneur, actress, producer, and woman. I feel it is so important to follow your heart, feed your soul, and do what you love, in whatever way possible! Helping and inspiring others is also a huge motivating factor for me. I am a committed philanthropist and motivated to use my notoriety for good in some way. I have performed on Broadway at the August Wilson Theatre and the Palace Theatre to benefit Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS as an AIDS Activist, have been an active force in several charities supporting Breast Cancer Awareness for the Busted Foundation and The Lynn Sage Foundation, Women Empowerment as a Board Certified Life Coach, and I am a Celebrity Ambassador for the Breaking The Chains Foundation. I only hope my work spreads love in some way! And my greatest motivation in anything I do, is to do it with INTEGRITY! Professionally or personally, at the end of the day, integrity is everything to me!

  • How does your company uphold its uniqueness and individuality?

Philly Chick Pictures encourages “Entertainment with an attitude”. From Philadelphia to New York to Los Angeles, Philly Chick Pictures was created to develop independent TV and films, while thinking outside the “Hollywood” box. Again, we are drawn toward projects and partnerships that Empower Women and maintain Integrity!!!

  • Kindly mention some of the notable recognitions and accreditations received by your organisation.

After over 20 years as an actress and producer, I can humbly share that I have received over 100 awards and recognitions. I cherish each one of them, but some of the notable are:

2010- ‘B-Movie Award for Scream Queen of The Year’

2016- ‘Mary Pickford Award’ to “Highlight Women in The Film Arts” Zed Fest

2017- Actors Awards ‘Best Actress In A Drama Award’; ‘Stella Adler Acting Award’ Action On Film International Film Festival; ‘Grace Kelly Gold Actor Award’ West Coast International Film Festival; Los Angeles Film Awards ‘Inspiring Woman in a Film’ Award

2018- Actors Awards ‘Best Actress In An Indie Film Award’; West Coast International Film Festival ‘Legendary Actress’ Jury Award

2019- Inducted into The Carney Board for the Carney Awards Character Actor Hall Of Fame created in honor of character actor icon Art Carney

2020- Honored in the best-selling historical commemorative coffee table book ‘1000 Women In Horror, 1895-2018’; NOVA Fest ‘Best Supporting Actress in a TV Series Award’

2021- Inducted into the Phillytainment ‘PA Celebrity Hall Of Fame’; The Telly Awards TV Award

  • The pandemic turned the tables for every sector of the economy, tell us something about your market and its scope for growth.

I feel like I became an early visionary with Philly Chick Pictures and production. I was one of the first producers to create a model to film an entire streaming web series 100% virtually, and with a seasoned, talented team and cast, I would like to add! I have been acting and producing virtually from my home office ever since.

  • Where do you see your career and organisation in the years to come?

I always aspire to be and do better, but I also work to be in gratitude for where I am now. I hope to see more investors and larger financial investments in Philly Chick Pictures and our projects, as we experienced prior to the financial crisis back in 2008. As a producer, I would like to focus on more inspiring content with a purpose. As an actress, I would love to land another TV series in Hollywood, but also work in New York City a few months out of the year. Last on my professional vision list is to win an Emmy Award!

  • Entrepreneurship is an art, what is your take on that?

I feel we are in a culture where entrepreneurship is more challenging than ever. With technology, the internet, and social media, there is more content coming our way… and a lot of it is free! This requires entrepreneurs to reinvent and get more creative, which is an art form. That said, I cannot emphasize enough what I stated earlier… Art and Entertainment is a serious Business!  I believe many creatives fail at making a living, or sustaining, through their artistic endeavours, because while we were all studying acting, writing, etc… we never bothered to learn show “business”!

Anuradha Shroff -Helping Leaders Re-align their Purpose in Life

In today’s fast-paced life, it is very easy to get overwhelmed. Many recent pieces of research have pointed out the fact that nearly 70% of people in given surveys feel stuck in their lives, professionally or personally. Whatever profession we may be in, there’s always a pressure to outperform not just others, but ourselves as well. For leaders, the pressure doubles up as they have to not just forge their own way, but also help those who look up to them.

At times like these, when we can’t seem to find a way out, we often look for someone who can guide us. We seek someone who can help us constantly learn so that we can respond to the changing business environment. Someone who will listen to our needs, is competent and can deal with the messiness of strategy work to streamline our professional life.

With over 10 years of experience in strategic planning and developing leadership qualities in the public service and private sector, Anu Shroff has been helping leaders identify their need and provide strategic and bespoke services to help them meet their desired outcome.

Recognizing her Calling

Before she started offering her services to help leaders explore and re-discover themselves, Anu Shroff started her career in the Singapore Public Service in 2000. In 2016, after sessions with her coach and a soul-searching retreat, she decided to follow her passion and resigned to set up her own company, Anu Shroff Pte Ltd. The services she offers are executive coaching, large and small group leadership facilitation, and strategic planning sessions. She can also be booked for keynote speeches at corporate events.

She absolutely loves the work she does as she gets the opportunity to interact with people and help them make a difference in their lives. It also gives her the flexibility to manage work and her 3 kids better.

Anu considers herself a late bloomer as she didn’t always know what she wanted to do. She wasn’t interested in business initially and so took up a Public Service career. “I think connecting to the higher Public Service values resonated with me as I felt that I was contributing to a larger purpose. Getting a job in the Public Service, I began to understand the bureaucracy.

While there were challenges, I learned a lot about the bigger purpose of serving in the Public Service and the satisfaction of doing that.”

Interestingly she started her career in the Public Service thinking that business was not for her. However, now that she is running her own business she sees that we can still set higher purposeful goals for ourselves even as we run a business. That is why she took a huge risk by resigning from a stable job and setting up her own company.

She also attributes much of who she is today to her husband and his support through the years.

What makes her Different

Anu takes a humanistic approach in her coaching instead of having a fixed methodology. She doesn’t offer answers or a “how-to” guide but offers guidance as people explore a journey of inquiry to discover the answers within themselves. “If you are looking to discover aspects of yourself and your world, then this is for you. I believe this is because of my Gestalt background which trained me to be in the “here and now” rather than have a pre-set idea of what is. Clients often tell me that coaching with me helps them get off the “hamster wheel” and take a breath,” she says.

As a workshop facilitator, she exudes energy and passion as she loves interacting with people. She aims to make her workshops engaging, respectful, and practical. As a company owner, she’s always thinking of how businesses can complement one another rather than compete in the market.

And does SHE ever feel stuck?

“As humans, we are constantly seeking the right answers for ourselves. But if we appreciate the beauty of not knowing and being comfortable in our own confusion, we can allow more of life to emerge. So when I feel confused, I pause and take a breath. Notice what is going on in my body and connect with it without any judgment. I ask myself “what does it feel like right now?” I connect back to my core values of calm, respect, learning, gratitude, and honesty. This helps me to take the next step forward. Pause, connect, and feel.”


According to Anu, the three most important qualities a leader should possess are curiosity, humility, and passion for learning. As a leader herself, she believes in getting a solid team and then leaving it to them to work out the details. “I am always available for discussions and brainstorming but they anchor the work to their motivations. I’m so fortunate to have a wonderful team who are the backbone of my business! Lianne Kenny (Bright Virtual Services), Franzika Grobler (Jadeways Solutions), and Grace Yeo are a force to reckon with when it comes to getting things done,” she says.

Her advice for Budding Entrepreneurs:

I think the key thing I have learned is that it boils down to building a reputation for yourself in anything you do.

Even as an employee, it is important to think about your “brand” and how you project yourself. This is something that I only learned many years after starting my career. It has served me well as many of the projects I got after I resigned were through referrals and word-of-mouth. I think we sometimes tend to underestimate the power of networking and making connections with people. Remember that it is not about selling your services but about building relationships and helping people to solve their problems.

The Road Ahead

Covid-19 has shifted business for many companies – especially with the online and virtual space. Even in the traditionally “human touch” sector like coaching and training, we saw a huge shift to online and virtual events. Anu was part of a research team from the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC) where they looked at the future of coaching in 5 years. And definitely, the impact of technology was an important element.

“For me,” says Anu, “ I see it from a creative lens rather than a competitive lens. So I constantly ask myself how can we blend IT solutions with our coaching and training offerings.”

“It doesn’t need to be too complicated as long as it serves the client and enables learning. And I also keep anchoring myself back to my core values so as not to get too carried away with IT solutions. From a creative lens perspective, it’s having both in a wholesome way,” she concludes

ROBERT HANNA -Changing the perception of the legal recruitment industry

Robert Hanna is a legal recruitment community building genius. He is based in the UK and is the Founder & Managing Director of KC Partners, an innovative world-leading legal talent solutions, and careers firm. His firm specialises in placing qualified lawyers across the UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific & US. He has over a decade of recruitment experience having built and scaled multi-million-pound revenue-generating teams. He is ranked on LinkedIn in the top 1% of recruiters in the world and is also a strategic advisor & investor to Recruitment related & Legal Tech startups.

Apart from being a phenomenal entrepreneur in his field, he is also a high-profile podcaster. He is an active networker and content creator. In 2021, he was named among the LinkedIn Top 100 Rising Stars & Influencers on the platform. He is a regular Speaker and the Host of the Legally Speaking Podcast which sits in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally. The show removes the bore of the law with inspiring stories and experiences and converts that into educational and entertaining content having hosted guests from around the globe ranging from celebrities, top entrepreneurs, legal tech pioneers, law firm partners, diversity, equity & inclusion advocates, mental health champions, international policy change-makers and lots more.

He is passionate about normalising the conversation when it comes to mental health and promoting more diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. His mission is to disrupt the global recruitment industry and build an inclusive global community where recruiters add more value to their candidates and clients through embracing authentic relationships, Tech & AI, and kindness. 


He started his career in the City of London during the 2008 financial crash. The crash had changed the economy and new faces were rising and new ideas were being accepted. Being surrounded by entrepreneurs who were setting up businesses, his entrepreneurial instincts motivated him to venture into the unknown. Having acquired enough skills and knowledge, he was offered several positions. He was headhunted to join a boutique recruitment firm in the City of London and help scale that business. He thought he was ready to take the plunge and set up his organisation. His passion for being connected to the legal sector stems from his family background as he wished to continue his grandfather’s legacy as a main driving force. His grandfather founded and ran a prominent law firm in the UK in the 1950s.

Robert’s business was founded in 2016, as a challenger brand to the larger recruitment agencies. Today, KC Partners has built up a stellar reputation for helping law firms with key legal fee-earning hires and practising lawyers at all levels with career decisions.

KC Partners continues to provide unrivalled access to the best legal opportunities & highest calibre legal professionals in the market. They specialise in placing Newly Qualified Lawyers, Associates, Senior Associates, Legal Directors & Counsels globally.

They are proud to have a market-leading 99% retention rate of all lawyers placed with their law firm clients as an example of KC’s commitment to long-term relationships, both with clients and candidates.


Whilst recruitment remains at the heart of KC’s day-to-day operations, they do so much more than legal recruitment. KC recognises the need for more value adds on top of their bespoke legal talent solutions services.

They offer law firms & lawyers their world-leading Legally Speaking Podcast – designed to cover a range of expert insights into the legal & wider industries through knowledge sharing & inspirational stories. They actively indulge in Networking & Bespoke Events, Careers Guidance, Newsletters, Vlogs, Market Research, Personal Branding Advice and Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives. They offer CV Reviews & Interview (including Video) Training and Collaborations with High Profile Legal Societies and Wider Philanthropy.

In 2019, KC Partners became the first legal recruitment firm in history to sponsor a high-profile networking event at the UK Supreme Court, which was organised in collaboration with the London Young Lawyers Group (LYLG). KC Partners also co-hosted the landmark 25th Annual Asian Legal Awards, which also celebrated 100 Years of Women in Law.


Robert is a fearless disruptor; he is prepared to put himself out there to achieve his mission. Robert has a unique set of skills as a recruiter-entrepreneur-investor-podcaster, he advises companies and firms on how to grow, diversify, or consolidate their market share. He advises individuals on career moves, social media & social audio strategy, confidence building, personal branding, and business development. His own company, KC Partners, is a case in point. He has found success by drilling deep into his niche-within-a-niche and developing a right-sized boutique agency which can leave a lasting impact and global domination in the legal industry. Hanna’s Legally Speaking podcast has a global reach and provides the international legal community with topical information and advice.

Robert is an active podcaster. He appears on various platforms and offers his genuine human insight. His podcast is a huge success. He believes that podcasting helps his company stand out. “At the moment, every business needs to be producing quality content to their niche market audiences,” Hanna says. “It’s not enough just to be a reactive service. I think you have to proactively give to your marketplace to build a brand, to be known as thought leaders, and to be seen as people that are doing more and care!”


Robert believes it is important to share your authentic voice, the ups and downs of business through educational and entertaining storytelling along with showcasing aspects of your personal life. This helps with building community through relatability! On that note, Robert shares lots of stories and content with his partner in crime Otto…his milk chocolate miniature dachshund! 

Posted in men

Michel E. Moravia -Quality Intelligence Profitable Business and Better Life 

Quality Intelligence Profitable Business and Better Life 

As consumers, when we purchase or use a product or service, however big or small, its quality is of utmost importance. For only if the quality matches our expectations and is as promised by the provider will we be willing to use it again and again. And at times, the quality of a product or service can be a life-changing experience. Quality is critical across products, markets, and industries. Quality control, as a function of companies, helps them meet the required guidelines at all times to ensure successful production and timely delivery to the end consumer. For life sciences companies the regulations are all the more complex making quality even more crucial.

When Michel E. Moravia started his career, it was more out of his love for biochemical sciences and his perspective that science can help him drive innovation in healthcare. He pursued his first corporate role at Novartis, where he led upstream DNA assessment, optimization, and quantification for a companion diagnostic assay for Fragile X Syndrome. The Novartis Companion Diagnostic business unit launched the new assay in six months with unyielding focus, Quality, and cross-functional collaboration. Nonetheless, the quality department was the center of all critical tasks and the assessors of success since they ensured the product was safe and effective. It then dawned on him that Quality’s role is to reflect the goals of the FDA and other regulatory bodies to ensure safety and public health by mandating that companies function in a compliant and reliable manner. This is when Michel saw Quality as a gateway to give back on a global scale and make a real impact in his community.

Making Quality his Goal

Consequently, Michel became an avid learner of Quality – obtaining many certifications (Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Certified Lead Auditor, Danaher Problem Solving Process Expert, to name a few) and growing in the field through a series of hands-on roles. While continuing to build his experience as a quality leader at SCIEX, a Danaher Company, he decided to further his formal education by pursuing a dual master’s at Boston University (BU), graduating with a Master of Science in Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) concentrating in Health Sector Management.

Michel subsequently pivoted to work for a couple of prominent electronic Quality Management System (e-QMS) software vendors as a Product Leader bringing the new application to the field to help the scientist and engineers, he once worked with at several Fortune 100-Biotech and Medical Device companies. His career trajectory was strong, and he loved what he did, but felt something was missing. Michel saw many gaps in the industry that he knew he could solve – so he decided to launch Quality Means Business (QMB, LLC) to address them.

The mission of QMB is to help companies overcome the hurdles of the FDA and the likes to get drug delivery systems to market. QMB, LLC is a quality consultancy with proprietary technology that provides a sustained competitive advantage in the medical device industry. Ultimately, QMB is a strategic partner that transforms Quality and Regulatory business units from cost centers to profit drivers. The firm’s Quality Intelligence solution, Quality, automates Quality processes, streamlines and improves approval rates of regulatory filings, and enables predictive insights and smart actions that lead to goal-driven decisions, optimizing time-to-value realization.

Facing Challenges along the Path

Defining a new industry comes with challenges that require a growth mindset. Michel feels that he is constantly learning and iterating when it comes to building QMB. In 2020, when QMB was in complete infancy, he applied to the Mass Challenge Health Accelerator with his bright idea but was rejected. “I now understand that I needed more than ideas; I need a complete plan with details on my business problem and overall solution. While defining a new industry, you often have to be creative in coming up with solutions when faced with setbacks. I face challenges with excitement, knowing that each new challenge is a learning opportunity and an occasion to be innovative,” he says.

Another challenge he had to face was when he had to make a strategic decision to undergo organizational restructuring, including bringing on new talent with a specific skill set that would allow him to build a disruptive product and scale the company faster. This decision required much planning as it impacted the team and required revisiting the budget. Finally, Michel decided to cut the C-Suite guaranteed payments, including himself, by 50% to reinvest in building the product. “All in all, I had to weigh the risks and the benefits, and I’m ultimately happy with the decision to invest in the recent reorganization to grow the company and have a more significant impact on the community,” he recalls.

Focusing on R&D

QMB has developed a proprietary solution that enables companies to have smart insights throughout the R&D process, anticipating any potential setback and adjusting accordingly. It allows them to save time and money while developing a quality product in line with FDA and other regulatory requirements or specifications. For example, they ensure strong technical files for a 510 K submission or an NDA by leveraging Real World Evidence and insight from regulatory databases and guidance documents. QMB’s solutions also empower clinical trials by illuminating clear paths to desired endpoints while ensuring patient safety and advocacy.

The Covid Aftermath

Michel rightly says that COVID has disrupted our personal lives and the life sciences industry. With the pandemic, there was a sense of urgency to get much-needed vaccines and treatments to market quickly without compromising patient quality and safety. There was now an even greater need for QMB’s solutions to help clients adapt to this changing landscape. Emerging diseases require large molecule synthesis in biologics, cell gene therapy, and monoclonal antibodies that require comprehensive quality control. The pandemic forced the industry to think outside the box to help clients get their products to market faster and quickly adapt to changing industry standards, regulations, and requirements.

Advising the Young

To the young entrepreneurs, Michel says

“Being an entrepreneur requires sacrifice and relentless pursuit of providing value-added solutions to our communities’ problems. Know your why and build a team that believes in the company’s vision. With the right motivation and support, you can navigate the unpredictable entrepreneurship landscape and build a successful business. Lastly, any budding entrepreneur must embrace a mindset of continuous learning. There is no formal curriculum to become an entrepreneur. Being open-minded to learn and develop your skills to address gaps while building your business will set you apart from other entrepreneurs.”

Creating a workplace for all

Michel’s working style embodies a combination of creativity and discipline with a growth mindset. He believes in having ambitious deadlines without compromising innovation.

One of his proudest accomplishments as CEO of QMB is recruiting a diverse team. “We foster a workplace of inclusion from the top down at QMB. Our C-suite brings in various perspectives, which makes our company stronger. We come from different backgrounds and are leaders in our former industries. Together, there is no obstacle that my team cannot tackle,” says a proud Michel.

Posted in men

Johnny Nash -entrepreneur makes A difference

Every entrepreneur makes a profit, but not every entrepreneur makes a difference in the world. We may not realise but sometimes, heroes and leaders walk among us and around us. Johnny Nash is one such leader. A world-class entrepreneur in the recruitment and tech industry, Johnny is seasoned and extremely passionate about what he does. He has over twenty-four years of experience in leading multinationals and boutique firms within the world of recruitment as a Global Headhunter Specialist. He is also well-known and accredited as an Accountability & Careers Coach, in U.K. and internationally. An astoundingly witty and adept individual, Johnny gives his full focus to any project he undertakes and drives it to success.

Johnny is known for continually providing excellent results to his clients, he secures the top 15% of talent for multinational companies transforming (digitally, IT and within the cloud), Fintech’s, Start Up’s, Scale Up’s and SME’s across specialist dedicated sectors, U.K., EMEA & Internationally. Over the years, Johnny has recruited several Mid-Senior & Senior-Executive professionals across Technology, Telecoms, FinTech, Payments and Digital Transformations sectors.

A creative and ambitious individual, Johnny is passionate about startups, technology and FinTech. He believes in the power of Artificial Intelligence and believes that as human beings we must leverage it for the greater, instead of allowing it to dominate our lives.


Johnny left the Iran-Iraq war for the United Kingdom with an eye defect and without a word of spoken English. His inability to communicate was always a drawback for him. However, he overcame it with great courage, and since then, he has only moved forward. He turned his weakness into his strength, the ability to read people, their verbals and nonverbals. 

Johnny initially wanted to be a lawyer, but he realized very soon that it was not his calling, and he decided to venture into the world of recruitment & careers, where he could help people to pursue their passions and secure a good life for their family. He was able to provide people with a means to sustain their living by doing what they loved.

His distinct yet unique background gave him the motivation and the drive to enter the human resources sector and make a difference in people’s lives, no matter where they were from or who they were.


Johnny believes that to have a meaningful life, an entrepreneur must have three things- worthy and meaningful relationships, a relevant career that genuinely solves people’s problems and the ability to make a difference. Johnny entered the world of business in the field of recruitment and careers with those three key factors at the cornerstone, which makes him what he is today.


Statistics suggest that 85% of people are unhappy in their jobs. Johnny founded FORTE ICT (Recruitment Headhunting Company) with that in mind. He wanted to create a platform that welcomed talent and uplifted skills so that they could be effectively allocated to the people who genuinely required them. He wanted people to be happy when they thought of work. He believes that if one is happy doing what they do, it won’t seem like work.

His company. Johnny Nash Coach (Coaching Company) has been created to maximize both the professional and personal lives of people, and generate value out of the knowledge that the candidates have acquired over the years. Johnny believes that many people can talk a good game, but it is the actions that define who we are. Johnny Nash Coaching is about having no regrets, no what-ifs, and no sorrow.

Recruitment & Careers club is the largest Social audio club of its kind. It has been created around the ethos of the community. Education, information, entertainment and real impact. He and his company undertake A-Z of Recruitment & Careers areas, business, tech and the workplace, as well as psychology at work, in giving access to people all over the world to being truly empowered and inspired. 

He believes that everybody has talent, but people don’t and can’t work to their full potential because of three major reasons. Firstly, most people are not able to recognize their talent, they don’t optimize and innovate. And thirdly and most importantly, fear. Recruitment & Careers Club is about being the change and making the change. Nothing changes, if nothing changes. They believe that risk is the essence of life and there if we can’t bet on ourselves, then we can’t count on anything else. 


Being in the recruitment business, Johnny recognizes the importance of choosing the correct employee for an organization. He believes that it is about making the right choices for both clients and candidates alike. According to him, the three most important qualities in the recruitment selection process include a cultural fit, the best companies in the world do not compromise on their culture and values, a good and positive mindset, without the right mindset in place then achievement and success are not possible and most importantly, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

When selecting the right candidate for his organisation or client partners, Johnny feels the most crucial factor to consider is job competency, which is having the skills to do the job, personality match within the team and culture, and the integrity and honesty of the employee. These are the primary fundamentals that guide him in choosing the correct fit for an organization. He urges other companies to do the same.


Accredited to his undeniable excellence and devotion to his field, Johnny was recognized among the top 1% of global headhunters by LinkedIn. Over the years, he has placed over 3,000 candidates globally and currently runs the largest Recruitment & Careers Club on Social Audio.


The pandemic has been a huge reset, not only for the recruitment and human resource sector but for all sectors of the global economy, which has prompted the “great resignation”. With unemployment rates still raging in most parts of the world, the question of finding a stable income source and work is a cause of concern for many. People, post-pandemic, want more out of their careers, want better work-life balance, careers recognition, mission, learning & development opportunities and they want more from life.  

With that, all in mind, his job as a Headhunter, Careers SME, Coach and Community builder is to facilitate and create as well as implement work opportunities into reality. This is for the candidates that they place to companies, for their coaching clients and their personal development and as an employee with their staff.

Johnny and the team have been at the forefront in restoring financial security and getting people into the right careers more than ever before. They believe there is a difference between a job and a career, and they place people into careers.


Johnny believes that the world is in a war for talent within the world of tech. 70% of people are looking to make a move to the U.K. and change their employment situation. The world is currently facing challenges when it comes to rebuilding the economy post-pandemic and is in the era of the micro-entrepreneur. Regardless, everyone but everyone has a career.

With the rise of AI & automation, 40% of all jobs according to studies look to be replaced in the next five to seven years. 85% of all new jobs have not been invented yet.

He advises all his candidates and coaching clients that the best investment one can make is in themselves. A candidate looking for an opportunity to work should continually upgrade themselves, their skills, their mindset, everything like we upgrade our phones. By doing this, each candidate is best equipped to navigate the fourth industrial revolution the world is currently undergoing.


The biggest problem with the new generation is that they are unaware of what they want to do. They are running after the ideals of making money, but are not sure how they want to do it. Johnny believes that the most important thing to know is to recognize what they are passionate about and what they want to do.

Secondly, he advises people not to overcomplicate things. If you overcomplicate, especially as an entrepreneur, you then will talk yourself out of it and lose out on a possible opportunity.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as perfection or the absolute right time. Johnny believes in this great saying: “Done is better than perfect, as perfect never gets done”. Stop delaying, start doing.

Finally, he urges modern entrepreneurs to never give up. Every business entails fear, disappointments, bumps along the way and if you can have what can be referred to as a “bouncy bum”, the ability to get back up when you are done, Johnny believes that you are on your way to success. Having this quality can change your life, and convert dreams into reality.

Jeff LoCastro, Founder/CEO @ Neener Analytics

Through this questionnaire, our aim is to accentuate your organisation, the services/products you offer, the problems you solve for your consumers, your contributions to the society, and your strengths in the national and international markets. We are looking for crisp and perspicacious answers between 900-1200 words for the same.

  • Kindly enlighten us about the inception story of your business.

I lived in China for two years scaling one of my US businesses there. About 6-months before coming home, I made a list of the first things I had to do when I returned. As my California Driver’s License had expired while I was out of the country, that was the first thing on my list. And I wondered why that was? How had that made #1. I still knew how to drive. But it was #1 because it was no longer valid as an ID. That made no sense. I’m still me. So, I was only “valid” if the California Department of Motor Vehicles said I was? That’s insane. I thought, “how did my grandparents’ function without walking around with ID’s?” Further, “How was he able to get a loan,” or whatever, “without a wallet full of government ID’s or even a credit score?”  He was able to do it because his banker, for example could say, “I know you!” The banker knew my grandfather’s story.

And where is that story being told? Social Media. Neener Analytics was born.

  • What are the various products/services offered by your enterprise, and how are they unique or different from the existing products in the market?

We look at it this way: “What if you could sit each customer down with a psychologist and ask them, “are you really going to pay us back?”  Because that’s the question, right? The question is not CAN they, the question is WILL they.

What we’ve developed is a regulatory compliant 1-click cognitive AI-based 100% consumer opt-in financial risk decisioning technology using Human-Data Science™.  Using Cognitive AI, Neener Analytics has cracked the code on Small Data to recapture on average 22% of a lender’s rejections without increasing the lender’s current risk threshold. This is cognitive AI, not machine learning. Huge difference.

Better decisioning is not a “data” problem. It’s a “Human” problem. Lenders don’t want to know if the consumer’s “data” is going to pay them back . . .they want to know if the consumer themselves is going to. Which is why we have pioneered Human-Data and created the branch called Human Data Science™

We’ve got 2 product lines Click-based & Chat-based. 5 result products: Default Risk, Transactor-Revolver, Risk Alignment, Veracity, Resiliency. ARIA (our AI) produces binary outcomes, just like human beings make decisions about other human beings. All delivered in a Json. Our solution takes <15mins to implement, can be integrated with any core, and if used ONLY at Rejection Recapture no core integration is needed. We are in 11 countries, and average 87% opt-in rate (99.98% @ rejection). Consumers want this.

We are Small Data, not big data. We’ve cracked the code here and developed the most advanced AI & Deep Learning to crack the code on Small Data. Everyone to this point have been using Big Data: aggregations and pools of affinity to create correlations masquerading as an “individual” prediction. Our AI & Deep Learning creates and individual matrix on each consumer that manifests in binary Outcomes, not scores or behaviors.

Our system is making decisions about the applicant the exactly the way humans make decision about other human beings. Not based on what they talk about (big data), but rather how they talk about those things (small data). Exactly, like humans… except better, with higher accuracy and less bias.

  • In a highly consumer-oriented market, how much importance do you pay to quality and authenticity?

We are always focused on that. This business didn’t start as a great way for banks to make more money.  It started because 88% of global consumers are thin-file, no-file and credit challenged. 88% globally. These are the invisible consumers; invisible not because they are high risk, but rather because current risk assessment systems simply don’t work for them. This is a massive problem. I contend that this is the biggest problem in the world. You cannot build a middle class or improve the standard of living for a society or individual without access to financial products and services. And you cannot deliver that access if the risk of the engagement cannot be assessed.

  • According to you, what are the most important qualities an entrepreneur should possess?
  • Share the Vision: Great entrepreneurs have a way of getting great people excited about the future; the ability to inspire.
  • Create a Mirror: Always make sure the team sees that you are willing to give as much as you demand from them.
  • Chart the Path: Great entrepreneurs can see the path before them and can show their team that it’s real. Pretty important: A vision with no path is just a fantasy.
  • Empower Execution: Great entrepreneurs allow great people to get things done. Sounds simple to say, but bad entrepreneurs are control freaks. Great entrepreneurs question, and course-correct
  • Do you believe there is a winning formula for becoming a successful entrepreneur? What is yours?

Think differently – constantly. Attack the status quo – daily. Only then you will make room for new ideas and better ways to do things; only then you move beyond ‘nuance’ and into full fledge disruption.

One of the things that has made Silicon Valley so success is that failure is encouraged.  That sounds odd to some, but you don’t advance without lots of mistakes. When a start-up goes out for venture funding, the 2 top questions the investor wants to know are 1) tell me all the good stuff that is happening, and 2) tell me about all the mistakes you have made.  They WANT you to have made mistakes . . .with your own money, not theirs.  If you tell them you haven’t made any mistakes . . . they will show you the door right away.

So, living in an where failure is embraced as a potential outcome moves things forward. That doesn’t mean we hope for it, it means that the fear of failure isn’t an obstacle because in any technological advancement, a lot of failures occur. And, when people aren’t afraid to fail, things can move very quickly.

If you are only focused on “winning”, you are not focused on the things it takes to win.

  • Mention some awards and recognitions received by your company.

BEST OF SHOW: 2017 Finovate Silicon Valley


BEST OF SHOW: 2019 Finovate Silicon Valley


#1 IN WORLD FINANCIAL INCLUSION:  2019 Finovate Global Awards 


FINALIST: TOP 8 AI IN THE WORLD: 2019 Finovate Global Awards 


#1 RISING STAR AWARD:  2019 India Fintech Awards


2021 Fintech Americas Conference: Silver Award, FINANCIAL INCLUSION (For our partnership with Invex Banco, Mexico)


  • The market is extremely volatile, what is the current scenario of the industry you are involved in? Where do you think we are heading towards as an economy?

The global economy fluctuates indeed, but only certain sectors should be considered volatile. 2020 was an outlier. A slow-down that was man-made instead of market made. That’s never happened before. That decision made the entire economy appear volatile because of the overt uncertainty it injected. As a result, we had lenders just stop lending. It was crazy stuff. But around October, November 2020 they were all ready to get back to it because they collectively understood, as I said, this was not a market cycle but rather an overt decision. We are really starting to see that uncertainty lifting and everyone getting back to business as usual, as they should.

  • Where do you see your enterprise in the next ten years?

We are really pioneering the idea that the consumer is their own data. And the consumer as their own source of data is the future of all consumer engagement. We are currently in 11 countries, and I see us owning specific market regions in the next 10 years. We’ve already built out 2 product lines, third one coming in Q4/2021 each delivering 5 decisioning products and are on track for a new line each of the next 5-years while continuing to expand our decisioning capabilities.

  • What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?

I could write an entire book on this question.

Building and scaling a company from only an idea will be the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. And it will also be the most professionally satisfying. It’s not a hobby, and its not a job. It’s a passion. You can’t play-act it. You have to live it. And you should be ready to sacrifice for it. I always say that if you are in a personal relationship at the time, a successful entrepreneur should always have a loving partner at home that also understands the sacrifice. If that person at home is a source of angst (because of the consuming nature of the endeavor) . . . the business OR the relationship will fail.

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