Phoebe Casey: Helping People Lead Happier, Healthier Lives
Our career paths are often defined by not just our minds and what we should do, but also by our hearts and what we want to do.
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Our career paths are often defined by not just our minds and what we should do, but also by our hearts and what we want to do.
As adults, society expects us to earn a living and support not just ourselves but our families as well. However, getting employment is subject to many conditions.
The Healthcare industry is undergoing a paradigm shift owing to the recent pandemic and the rise of digital technology.
As human beings, we are wired to work to fend for ourselves. We might work as a professional in a corporate or state setup or be at home providing for ourselves and the family in one way or the other.
Of late, but better than never, business organizations have realized that running a successful business is not just about profits but also about taking care of environmental, social, and governance matters.
In the modern world, when knowledge is available everywhere and in every possible form, the role of educators or teachers becomes all the more crucial in shaping the future of society.
The hospitality industry in India is consistently growing at almost 100% YOY and accounts for about 7.5% of the country’s GDP.
Tata AutoComp Systems, established in 1995 and promoted by the Tata Group, was created to introduce advanced auto component technologies into India, catering to the burgeoning Indian automotive sector.
The FinTech Association of Hong Kong (FTAHK) is a not-for-profit organization that operates independently with a strong emphasis on transparency, accountability, and governance
Unwavering ambition holds the potential to drive an individual to zeniths of success. Exhibiting such ambition inadvertently inspires others and lays down a path for them to follow.
A cybersecurity and hacking enthusiast with over 10 years of experience in the field, Jasmin Landry has come a long way from being a young bug bounty hunter to Senior Director, Information Security, at Nasdaq.
Steering the ship to success is no mean feat. It requires a visionary leader who never stops learning, growing, and nurturing the people along the way.
After completing his master’s degree in technology Mr. Vijay Chaudhary took on roles that would align with his deep interest in the world of computer and information technology.
William Rubio is an accomplished executive with over 29 years of experience in the global telecommunications, IT, Cloud industry, and M&A space.
It’s not easy for founders trying to build a startup company. When done with the right guidance it’s proven to be a differentiating factor in building a successful company.
Data-enabled decisions are crucial for businesses in the modern world. Data is the fuel that drives innovation, efficiency, and growth in any industry.
Founded in 1976, Acer is a Taiwanese multinational company that specializes in advanced electronics technology. Acer is one of the world’s …
Of all the ways we can make a difference in someone’s life, helping them learn is perhaps the most crucial one…